Appendix G-1

Department of Defense Support

Extracted from “Summary Report: DOD Support of Project Gemini, Jan 1963-Nov 1966,” submitted to Secretary of Defense by Lt. Gen. Leighton I. Davis, USAF, 6 March 1967

NASA - Costs Reimbursed to the DOD by NASA

DOD - Costs Absorbed by the DOD

($ in thousands)

Category NASA DOD Total
Airlift - - -
Research& Technology 6.2 4.0 10.2
Launch Vehicle Acquisition - - -
Mapping& Charting - - -
Range Operations 1,236.3 158.61 394.9
Recovery Operations 3.2 51.1 54.3
Launch Operations - - -
General Support - - -
Total 1,245.7 213.71 459.4
Air Force
Category NASA DOD Total
Airlift 641.9 1,736.7 2,378.6
Research& Technology 1,789.1 3,624.2 5,413.3
Launch Vehicle Acquisition 194,372.9 5,741.2 200,114.1
Mapping& Charting 10.1 11.2 21.3
Range Operations 13,395.5 22,004.4 35,399.9
Recovery Operations 6,787.0 2,492.9 9,279.9
Launch Operations 217,006.0 18,229.0 235,235.0
General Support 1,561.2 615.5 2,176.7
Total 435,563.7 54,455.1 490,018.8
Category NASA DOD Total
Airlift - 37.8 37.8
Research& Technology 5,483.7 267.0 5,750.7
Launch Vehicle Acquisition - - -
Mapping& Charting - - -
Range Operations 5,062.0 631.0 5,693.0
Recovery Operations 5,112.1 30,077.9 35,190.0
Launch Operations - - -
General Support 2,653.0 76.0 2,729.0
Total 18,310.8 31,089.7 49,400.5
Other Agencies
Category NASA DOD Total
Airlift - - -
Research& Technology - - -
Launch Vehicle Acquisition - - -
Mapping& Charting 13.9 - 13.9
Range Operations - - -
Recovery Operations 5.8 13.9 19.7
Launch Operations - - -
General Support - - -
Total 19.7 13.9 33.6
Category NASA DOD Total
Airlift 641.9 1,774.5 2,416.4
Research& Technology 7,279.0 3,895.2 11,174.2
Launch Vehicle Acquisition 194,372.9 5,741.2 200,114.1
Mapping& Charting 24.0 11.2 35.2
Range Operations 19,693.8 22,794.0 42,487.8
Recovery Operations 11,908.1 32,635.8 44,543.9
Launch Operations 217,006.0 18,229.0 235,235.0
General Support 4,214.2 691.5 4,905.7
Total 455,139.9 85,772.4 540,912.3