Appendix B -Saturn V Prelaunch-Launch Sequence
Event | Completed | |
LM Operations | 30-Oct-70 | |
Combined System Test | 4-Dec-70 | |
Unmanned Altitude Run | 5-May-70 | |
Manned Altitude Run | 18-Sep-70 | |
LM/SLA Mate | 22-Oct-70 | |
CSM Operations | 3-Nov-70 | |
Combined System Test | 4-Dec-70 | |
Unmanned Altitude Run | 27-Aug-70 | |
Manned Altitude Run | 3-Sep-70 | |
CSM/SLA Mate | 31-Oct-70 | |
Ordnance Installation | 7-Nov-70 | |
LV VAB Low Bay Operations | 12-May-70 | |
IU Low Bay Checkout | 12-May-70 | |
S-IVB Low Bay Checkout | 12-May-70 | |
S-II Low Bay Checkout | 11-May-70 | |
LV VAB High Bay Operations | 29-Oct-70 | |
SIC Erection | 14-Jan-70 | |
LV Erection | 13-May-70 | |
LV Electrical System Test | 6-Oct-70 | |
LV Malfunction Overall Test | 21-Oct-70 | |
LV Service Arm Overall Test | 29-Oct-70 | |
Spacecraft Erection | 4-Nov-70 | |
Space Vehicle VAB Operations | 8-Nov-70 | |
Transfer to Pad | 9-Nov-70 | |
Pad Operations | 31-Jan-70 | |
LV Power ON | 11-Nov-70 | |
Space Vehicle Overall Test | 7-Dec-70 | |
LV Flight Systems Test | 11-Dec-70 | |
SV Flight Electrical Mating | 11-Dec-70 | |
SV Back-up Guidance Test | 14-Dec-70 | |
SV Flight Readiness Test | 15-Dec-70 | |
SV Hypergolic Loading | 8-Jan-71 | |
S-IC RP-1 Loading | 9-Jan-71 | |
CDDT-Wet/Dry | 18-Jan-71 | |
SV Countdown Prep. | 25-Jan-72 | |
Countdown | 31-Jan-71 |
Time before First Motion (HR:MIN:SEC) |
Start | Stop | Event |
9:30:00.0 | LIFTOFF | Switch LV Environmental Conditioning from Air to GN2 |
8:59:00.0 | 1:30:00.0 | G&C System Checks |
8:59:00.0 | LIFTOFF | ST-124M3 GN2 Sphere Pressurization |
8:59:00.0 | 1:00:00.0 | S-IVB Ambient GHe Supply Bottle Prepressurization |
8:59:00.0 | 8:54:00.0 | LVDC Sector Sum Check |
8:57:00.0 | 6:27:00.0 | S-IC LOX Tank Purge (GN2) |
8:34:00.0 | 7:39:00.0 | S-II LOX Tank Prepressurization (GN2) |
8:34:00.0 | 7:42:00.0 | S-II LH2 Tank Purge (GHe) |
8:34:00.0 | 8:16:00.0 | S-II LH2 Recirculation Line Purge (GHe) |
8:15:00.0 | 8:00:00.0 | S-IVB LOX Chilldown Pump Cavity Purge |
8:15:00.0 | LIFTOFF | ST-124M3 System ON |
8:15:00.0 | Start LV Cryogenic Loading | |
8:00:00.0 | 7:55:00.0 | Prepare to Launch Test |
8:00:00.0 | LIFTOFF | IU Electrical Disconnect Purge |
8:00:00.0 | 7:40:00.0 | S-II Turbine Start Bottle Purge (GHe) |
8:00:00.0 | 0:04:00.0 | S-II Auxiliary Hydraulic Pump ON |
8:00:00.0 | 3:28:00.0 | Operate DEE-3 System |
7:43:00.0 | 7:28:00.0 | S-IVB LOX Tank Purge (GHe) |
7:42:00.0 | 4:54:00.0 | S-II LH2 Tank Preconditioning |
7:40:00.0 | 7:28:00.0 | S-II Engine Turbopump Purge |
7:39:00.0 | 7:04:00.0 | S-II LOX Tank Purge (GN2) |
7:39:00.0 | 7:28:00.0 | S-IVB J-2 Engine Turbopump Purge |
7:31:00.0 | 4:11:00.0 | S-IVB LH, Tank Purge (GHe) |
7:28:00.0 | 7:13:00.0 | S-II Engine Thrust Chamber Purge (GHe) |
7:28:00.0 | 7:24:00.0 | S-IVB LOX Tank Precool (0-5%) |
7:24:00.0 | 7:07:00.0 | S-IVB LOX Tank Fast Fill (5-96%) |
7:07:00.0 | 7:04:00.0 | S-IVB LOX Tank Slow Fill (96-99%) |
7:05:00.0 | LIFTOFF | SIC Engine Thrust Conditioning |
7:05:00.0 | 6:30:00.0 | IU CCS Checks |
7:04:00.0 | 6:54:00.0 | S-II LOX Tank Precool (0-5%) |
6:54:00.0 | 6:44:00.0 | S-II LOX Tank Fast Fill (5-40%) |
6:44:00.0 | 6:30:00.0 | S-II LOX Tank Fast Fill (40-96%) |
6:38:00.0 | 6:30:00.0 | Preflight Command System Test, Houston |
6:30:00.0 | 6:27:00.0 | S-II LOX Tank Slow Fill (96-99%) |
6:27:00.0 | 6:02:00.0 | SIC LOX Precool |
6:02:00.0 | 5:45:00.0 | S-IC LOX Tank Slow Fill (0-6.5%) |
5:45:00.0 | 4:57:00.0 | S-IC LOX Tank Fast Fill (6.5-98%) |
5:45:00.0 | 0:03:06.0 | S-II LOX Tank Replenish |
5:45:00.0 | 0:03:06.0 | S-IVB LOX Tank Replenish |
4:57:00.0 | 0:00:08.9 | S-IC GHe Supply Bottle Pressurization |
4:57:00.0 | 4:55:00.0 | SIC LOX Tank Slow Fill (98-100%) |
4:55:00.0 | 0:03:06.0 | S-IC LOX Tank Replenish |
4:54:00.0 | 4:36:00.0 | S-II LH, Precool (0-5%) |
4:36:00.0 | 4:16:00.0 | S-II LH2 |
4:16:00.0 | 4:11:00.0 | S-II LH2 |
4:11:00.0 | LIFTOFF | Q-Ball Power and Heaters ON |
4:11:00.0 | 0:00:08.9 | S-IVB LOX Tank GHe Supply Bottle Pressurization |
4:11:00.0 | 3:58:00.0 | S-IVB LH2 Precool (0-5%) |
3:58:00.0 | 3:33:00.0 | S-IVB LH2 Fast Fill (5-98%) |
3:33:00.0 | 3:28:00.0 | S-IVB LH2 Slow Fill (98-100%) |
3:33:00.0 | 0:03:06.0 | S-II LH2 Replenish |
3:28:00.0 | 0:03:06.0 | S-IVB LH2 Replenish |
3:28:00.0 | 0:52:30.0 | Astronaut Loading |
1:40:00.0 | 1:10:00.0 | EDS Test |
1:00:00.0 | 0:35:00.0 | S-IC Fuel Level Adjust |
1:00:00.0 | 0:00:08.9 | S-IVB Ambient GHe Supply Bottle Pressurization |
0:57:00.0 | 0:47:00.0 | Azimuth Laying |
0:51:30.0 | LIFTOFF | Final CCS Checks |
0:51:25.0 | 0:46:25.0 | Preflight Command System Test |
0:45:00.0 | LIFTOFF | Final Tracking System Check |
0:43:00.0 | 0:05:00.0 | CM Access Arm in Park Position |
0:42:00.0 | LIFTOFF | LES Armed |
0:42:00.0 | LIFTOFF | GNC System Checks |
0:42:00.0 | 0:37:00.0 | IU Gimbal Checks |
0:40:00.0 | 0:32:00.0 | Range Safety Command Checks (Closed Loop) |
0:34:30.0 | 0:00:08.9 | S-IVB Engine GHe Bottle Pressurization |
0:31:30.0 | 0:30:00.0 | S-II LH2> Chilldown Pump Test |
0:31:30.0 | 0:30:00.0 | S-IVB LOX/LH2 Chilldown Pump Test |
0:30:00.0 | 0:26:00.0 | Power Transfer Test |
0:25:00.0 | LIFTOFF | Range Safety System ON |
0:22:00.0 | 0:04:37.0 | S-II Turbine Start Bottle Chilldown (GN2) |
0:20:30.0 | LIFTOFF | Final SV Telemetry System Checks |
0:20:00.0 | 0:14:30.0 | S-IVB Turbine Start Bottle Purge |
0:15:00.0 | 0:10:00.0 | S-IVB Engine Thrust Chamber Purge |
0:14:30.0 | 0:05:30.0 | S-IVB Turbine Start Bottle Chilldown |
0:13:00.0 | 0:08:00.0 | S-II Engine Thrust Chamber Purge (GHe) |
0:10:00.0 | LIFTOFF | Prepare to Launch Test |
0:10:00.0 | 0:06:00.0 | S-IC Fuel Jacket Topping (Glycol) |
0:10:00.0 | 0:00:08.9 | S-IVB Engine Thrust Chamber Chilldown |
0:08:00.0 | 0:00:08.9 | S-II Engine Thrust Chamber Chilldown |
0:05:30.0 | LIFTOFF | S&A Devices Armed |
0:05:30.0 | 0:05:00.0 | S-IVB Turbine Start Bottle Pressurization |
0:05:00.0 | 0:04:00.0 | Remove Q-ball Cover |
0:05:00.0 | 0:04:50.0 | Retract and Lock CM Access Arm |
0:04:37.0 | 0:03:07.0 | S-II Turbine Start Bottle Pressurization |
0:04:30.0 | LIFTOFF | Terminal Countdown Sequencer Armed |
0:03:07.0 | Start Automatic Sequence | |
0:03:07.0 | 0:00:30.0 | S-II LOX Tank Prepressurization |
0:02:47.0 | 0:00:08.9 | S-IVB LOX Tank Prepressurization |
0:01:37.0 | 0:00:04.1 | SIC Fuel Tank Prepressurization |
0:01:37.0 | 0:00:30.0 | S-II LH2 Tank Prepressurization |
0:01:37.0 | 0:00:08.9 | S-IVB LH2 Tank Prepressurization |
0:01:37.0 | LIFTOFF | SIC LOX Tank Prepressurization |
0:00:50.0 | Transfer to Internal Power | |
0:00:40.0 | LIFTOFF | S-IVB LH2 Vent Directional Control Flight Position ON |
0:00:30.0 | 0:00:17.0 | Retract and Lock S-IC Intertank Service Arm |
0:00:30.0 | LIFTOFF | SIC Engine Hydraulic System Flight Activation |
0:00:17.0 | LIFTOFF | Guidance Reference Release |
0:00:16.2 | 0:00:11.0 | Retract and Lock S-IC Forward Service Arm |
0:00:08.9 | 0:00:06.7 | S-IC Ignition Command |
0:00:05.3 | LIFTOFF | Monitor S-IC Engine Thrust Buildup |
0:00:01.0 | LIFTOFF | Monitor Thrust OK AII S-IC Engines |
0:00:01.0 | 0:00:00.0 | Holddown Arm Release |
Time from First Motion (HR:MIN:SEC) |
Time from Reference (HR:MIN:SEC) |
Event |
-0:00:17.3 | T1 -0:00:17.7 | Guidance Reference Release |
0:00:00.0 | T1 -0:00:00.4 | First Motion |
0:00:00.4 | T1 +0:00:00.0 | Liftoff |
0:00:01.4 | T1 +0:00:01.0 | Begin Tower Clearance Yaw Maneuver |
0:00:09.4 | T1 +0:00:09.0 | End Yaw Maneuver |
0:00:12.3 | T1 +0:00:11.9 | Pitch and Roll Initiation |
0:01:09.0 | T1 +0:01:08.6 | Mach 1 |
0:01:25.5 | T1 +0:01:25.1 | Maximum Dynamic Pressure |
0:02:15.0 | T1 +0:02:14.6 | S-IC Center Engine Cutoff |
0:02:15.1 | T2 +0:00:00.0 | Set Time Base 2 |
0:02:42.8 | T2 +0:02:27.7 | Begin Tilt Arrest |
0:02:44.8 | T3 +0:00:00.0 | S-IC Outboard Engine Cutoff |
0:02:45.3 | T4 +0:00:00.5 | S-II Ullage Rocket Ignition |
0:02:45.5 | T4 +0:00:00.7 | Signal to Separation Devices and S-IC Retrorockets |
0:02:45.6 | T3 +0:00:00.8 | S-IC/S-II First Plane Separation Complete |
0:02:46.2 | T4 +0:00:01.4 | S-II Engine Start Sequence Initiated |
0:02:47.2 | T3 +0:00:02.4 | S-II Ignition (Start Tank Discharge Valve Opens) |
0:02:49.2 | T3 +0:00:04.4 | S-II Engines at Mainstage |
0:02:49.8 | T3 +0:00:05.0 | S-II Ullage Thrust Cutoff |
0:03:15.5 | T4 +0:00:30.7 | S-II Aft Interstage Drop (Second Plane Separation) |
0:03:21.2 | T3 +0:00:36.4 | LET Jettison (Crew Action) |
0:03:25.6 | T3 +0:00:40.8 | Initiate IGM |
0:07:43.8 | T3 +0:04:59.0 | S-II Center Engine Cutoff |
0:07:52.2 | T3 +0:05:07.4 | MR Shift |
0:09:16.67 | T4 -0:00:00.01 | S-II Outboard Engine Cutoff; Enable Chi Freeze |
0:09:16.68 | T4 +0:00:00.0 | Set Time Base 4; Begin Chi Freeze |
0:09:17.6 | T4 +0:00:00.9 | S-IVB Ullage Ignition |
0:09:17.7 | T4 +0:00:01.0 | Signal to Separation Devices and S-II Retrorockets |
0:09:17.8 | T4 +0:00:01.1 | S-II/S-IVB Separation |
0:09:17.8 | T4 +0:00:01.1 | S-IVB Engine Start Sequence, First Burn |
0:09:20.8 | T4 +0:00:04.1 | S-IVB Ignition (Start Tank Discharge Valve Opens) |
0:09:23.3 | T4 +0:00:06.6 | S-IVB Engine at Mainstage |
0:09:25.4 | T4 +0:00:08.7 | S-IVB Ullage Thrust End |
0:09:26.1 | T4 +0:00:09.4 | End Chi Freeze |
0:09:29.5 | T4 +0:00:12.8 | S-IVB Ullage Case Jettison |
0:11:35.6 | T4 +0:02:18.9 | Begin Chi Freeze |
0:11:43.4 | T5 -0:00:00.2 | S-IVB Cutoff, First Burn |
0:11:43.6 | T5 +0:00:00.0 | Set Time Base 5 |
0:11:43.9 | T5 +0:00:00.3 | S-IVB APS Ullage Ignition |
0:11:53.4 | T5 +0:00:09.8 | Parking Orbit Insertion |
0:12:03.6 | T5 +0:00:20.0 | Initiate Maneuver to and Maintain Local Horizontal Alignment (CSM Forward, Heads Down) |
0:12:03.7 | T5 +0:00:20.1 | Begin Orbital Guidance |
0:12:42.6 | T5 +0:00:59.0 | LH2 Continuous Vent Open |
0:13:10.6 | T5 +0:01:27.0 | S-IVB APS Ullage Cutoff |
0:13:24.1 | T5 +0:01:40.5 | Begin Orbital Navigation |
2:21:00.1 | T6 +0:00:00.0 | Begin S-IVB Restart Preparations |
2:21:42.1 | T6 +0:00:42.0 | O2H2 Burner (Helium Heater) On |
2:21:42.3 | T6 +0:00:42.2 | LH2 Continuous Vent Closed |
2:29:16.4 | T6 +0:08:16.3 | S-IVB APS Ullage Ignition |
2:29:16.9 | T6 +0:08:16.8 | Helium Heater Off |
2:30:30.1 | T6 +0:09:30.0 | Initiate J-2 Fuel Lead |
2:30:33.1 | T6 +0:09:33.0 | S-IVB APS Ullage Cutoff |
2:30:38.1 | T6 +0:09:38.0 | S-IVB Reignition (Start Tank Discharge Valve Opens) |
2:30:40.6 | T6 +0:09:40.5 | S-IVB Engine at Mainstage |
2:33:55.6 | T6 +0:11:55.5 | MR Shift (First Opportunity Only) |
2:36:33.8 | T7 -0:00:00.2 | S-IVB Engine Cutoff, Second Burn |
2:36:34.0 | T7 +0:00:00.0 | Set Time Base 7 |
2:36:34.5 | T7 +0:00:00.5 | LH2 Continuous Vent Open |
2:36:34.7 | T7 +0:00:00.7 | LOX Nonpropulsive Vent Open |
2:36:34.8 | T7 +0:00:00.8 | LH2 Nonpropulsive Vent Open |
2:36:37.6 | T7 +0:00:03.6 | Flight Control Coast Mode On |
2:36:39.0 | T7 +0:00:05.0 | Enable SC Control of LV |
2:36:43.8 | T7 +0:00:09.8 | Translunar Injection |
2:39:04.7 | T7 +0:02:30.7 | LOX Nonpropulsive Vent Closed |
2:39:04.9 | T7 +0:02:30.9 | LH2 Continuous Vent Closed |
2:39:04.9 | T7 +0:02:30.9 | Initiate Maneuver to and Maintain Local Horizontal Alignment (CSM Forward, Heads Down) |
2:51:34.0 | T7 +0:15:00.0 | LH2 Nonpropulsive Vent Closed Initiate Maneuver to and Maintain TD&E Attitude |
2:51:34.0 | T7 +0:15:00.0 | CSM Separation (Variable) |
3:01:34.0 | T7 +0:25:00.0 | CSM/LM Docking (Variable) |
3:16:34.0 | T7 +0:40:00.0 | LH2 Nonpropulsive Vent Open |
3:36:34.4 | T7 +1:00:00.4 | LH2 Nonpropulsive Vent Closed |
3:51:34.0 | T7 +1:15:00.0 | SC/L Final Separation (Variable) |
3:56:34.0 | T7 +1:20:00.0 | Initiate Maneuver to and Maintain |
4:11:34.0 | T7 +1:35:00.0 | S-IVB Evasive Attitude (Variable) |
(T8 -0:08:00.0) | Set Time Base 8 | |
4:19:34.0 | T8 +0:00:00.0 | S-IVB APS Ullage Ignition |
4:19:35.2 | T8 +0:00:01.2 | S-IVB APS Ullage Cutoff |
4:20:55.2 | T8 +0:01:21.2 | Initiate Maneuver to and Maintain LOX Dump Attitude |
4:29:14.2 | T8 +0:09:40.2 | LH2 Continuous Vent Open |
4:36:14.0 | T8 +0:16:40.0 | Start LOX Dump |
4:40:54.0 | T8 +0:21:20.0 | LH2 Continuous Vent Closed |
4:41:14.0 | T8 +0:21:40.0 | End LOX Dump |
4:41:42.0 | T8 +0:22:08.0 | LOX Nonpropulsive Vent Open |
4:42:54.2 | T8 +0:23:20.2 | LH2 Nonpropulsive Vent Open |
4:42:59.0 | T8 +0:23:25.0 | Initiate Maneuver to and Maintain |
5:59:34.0* | T8 +1:40:00.0* | S-IVB APS Impact Burn Attitude |
6:29:34.0* | T8 +2:10:00.0* | S-IVB APS Ullage Ignition |
6:33:35.0* | T8 +2:14:01.0* | S-IVB APS Ullage Cutoff |
* Subject to update by DCS guidance commands to the LVDC after real-time assessment.