
Apollo Saturn V space vehicle
Apollo 11 space vehicle being launched aboard a Saturn V rocket at Pad 39A of Kennedy Space Center. (NASA photo 69-H-1177)
Apollo Saturn V space vehicle
The Apollo Saturn V space vehicle carrying the Apollo 11 astronauts as it lifts off, 9:32 a.m. EDT on July 16,1969. (NASA photo 69-H-1124)
Apollo 11 Lunar Module
The lunar module with Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin A ldrin inside after it separated from the command module on Apollo 11. (NASA photo 69-H-1376)
Landing Site 2 on the Moon
Landing Site 2 on the Moon as photographed from the Apollo I1 lunar module. (NASA photo 69-H-1042)
Apollo 11 Lunar Module
Another photo of the lunar module during Apollo 11. (NASA photo 69-H-1379)
A photo of one of the Apollo 11 astronauts' foot on lunar soil.
A photo of one of the Apollo 11 astronauts' foot on lunar soil. (NASA photo 69-H-1259)
Apollo Mission Control Center
Apollo Mission Control Center in Houston during Apollo 11. (NASA Manned Spacecraft Center photo S-69-39593)