NASA Apollo Program Director, to NASA Assoclate Administrator for Manned Space Flight, “Apollo 8 Mission Selection,” 11 November 1968, Apollo 8 Files, NASA Historical Reference Collection, NASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C.

In the aftermath of the tragic Apollo 204 capsule fire in 1967, NASA’s goal of reaching the Moon before the end of the decade seemed in jeopardy. It took almost twenty months after the fire, until October 1968, before astronauts were launched into orbit aboard an Apollo spacecraft. The success of this test flight, however, prompted the Apollo program manager, Air Force General Samuel C. Phillips, to suggest a bold strategy for regaining momentum in the lunar landing program. He recommended in November 1968 that the next Apollo flight be recast as a circumlunar mission. His memorandum, accepted by the NASA administrator on 18 November 1968, made possible the dramatic mission of Apollo 8 on 21-27 December 1968.

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TO: M Assoclate Administrator for Manned Space Flight DATE: 11 NOV 1968

FROM : MA/Apollo Program Director

SUBJECT: Apollo 8 Mission Selection

The purpose of this memorandum 18 to obtain your approval to fly Apollo 8 on an open-ended lunar orbit mission in December 1968.

My recommendation 1s based on an exhaustive review of pertinent technical and operational factors and also on careful consideration of the impact that elther a success or a failure in this mission will have on our ability to carry out the manned lunar landing in 1969.


Attachment I to this memorandum contains a detailed description of the Apollo 8 lunar orbit mission.

Significant features of this mission plan


Planned Schedule:

Launch: 0750 EST, 21 December 1968

Translunar Injection: 1040 EST, 21 December 1968

Lunar Orbit Insertion:

LOI1 Initiate: (60X170 NM Orbit) 0457 EST, 24 December 1968

LOI2 Initiate: (60 NM Circular Orbit) 0921 EST, 24 December 1968

Transearth Injection: 0105 EST, 25 December 1968

Landing: 1053 EST, 27 December 1968

Alternate Schedule:

Monthly Launch Windows:

21-27 December 1968 or as soon thereafter as possible.

Daily Launch Windows: Approximately 5 hours duration.

Open-Ended Mission Concept:

A large number of abort and alternate mission options are provided for In the Mission Plan and associated Mission Rules. Noteworthy examples of the way in which this open-ended concept could operate in this mission are the following:

A low earth orbital mission in the event of a "no go" In earth orbit prior to translunar injection.

Early return to earth in event of certain malfunction conditions during translunar coast.

A circumlunar mission in event of a "no go" during checkout prior to the lunar orbit insertion burn.


On August 19, 1968, we announced the decision to fly Apollo 8 as a Saturn V, CSM-only mission. The basic plan provided for Apollo 8 to fly a low earth orbital mission, but forward alternatives were to be considered up to and including a lunar orbital mission.

Final decision was to be reserved pending completion of the Apollo 7 mission and a series of detailed reviews of all elements of the Apollo 8 mission Including the space vehicle, launch complex, operational support system, and mission planning.

Apollo 7 Mission Results:

An important factor In the total decision process leading to my recommendation has been and continues to be the demonstrated performance of the Apollo 7 Command and Service Module (CSM) sub-systems, and the compatibility of the CSM with crew functions, and the Manned Space Flight Network. Comprehensive understanding of all Apollo 7 flight anomalies and their Impact on a lunar mission 18 fundamental to arriving at a proper decision. Attachment II to this memorandum provides a recap of the Apollo 7 flight anomalies, their disposition, and a statement of any known risk remaining on thi proposed Apollo 8 mission together with the actions proposed.

Apollo 4 and Apollo 6 Results:

The results of the Apollo 4 and Apollo 6 missions, in which the performance of the 501 and $02 Saturn V launch vehicles was tested, have been carefully analyzed. All flight anomalles Lave been re-solved. In particular, the two most significant problems encountered in Apollo 6--longitudinal oscillation or "POGO" effect in the first stage of the Saturn V and the rupture of small propellant lines in the upper stages--have been corrected and the solutions verified in extensive ground tests.

Meetings and Reviews:

The decision process, resulting in my recommendation, has included a comprehensive series of reviews conducted over the past several weeks to examine In detall all facets of che considerations Involved In planning for and providing a capability to fly Apollo 8 on a lunar orbit mission. The calendar for and purpose of these meetings are presented in Attachment III. An Important milestone 3 was achieved with successful completion of the Design Certification Review on November 7, 1968. A copy of the signed Design Certification 18 appended as Attachment IV.

Pros and Cons of a Lunar Orbital Flight:

My objective through this perlod has been to bring Into meaningful perspective the trade-offs between total program risk and gain resulting: from Introduction of a CSM-only lunar orbit mission on Apollo 8 into the total mission sequence leading to the earliest possible successful Apollo lunar landing and return. As you know, this assessment process is inherently judgmental in nature. Many factors have been considered, the evaluation of which supports a recommendation to proceed forward with an Apollo 8 open-ended lunar orbit mission. Thebe factors are:


Mission Readiness:

Consumable Total Usable Total Used Reserve
Service Module Reaction Control System Propellant (Pounds) 1140 294.5 845.5
Command Module Reaction Control System Propellant (Pounds) 231.2 29.4 201.8
Service Propulsion System Propellant (Pounds) 40,013 28,987 11,026
Cryogenic Oxygen (Pounds) 640 410 230
Cryogenic Hydrogen (Pounds) 56 40 16


Effect on Program Progress:

The lunar orbit mission will:


Mission Readiness:


Effect on Program Progress:

Impact of Success or Failure on Accomplishing Lunar Landing in 1969:

A successful mission will:

A mission failure will:


In conclusion, but with the proviso that all open work against the Apollo 8 open-ended lunar orbit mission Is completed and certified, I request your approval to proceed with the implementation plan required to support an earliest December 21, 1968, launch readiness date.

Sam C. Phillips

Lt. General, USAF
