Searching for Order
For the most part, 1965 was a good year for manned space flight. Gemini astronauts flew five missions, all successful, one lasting two weeks and including the world’s first rendezvous in space. A series of unmanned flights banished many old specters of doom: three Pegasus satellites proved micrometeoroids were not as hazardous in near-earth space as some had prophesied, and two Ranger spacecraft, before crashing on the moon, sent back pictures that gave some assurance that Surveyor and Apollo could safely fly to and land on the lunar surface. Apollo’s eventual success seemed certain, but first all its far-flung pieces had to be brought together in some semblance of order. For Apollo, therefore, 1965 was a trying, yet fruitful, year.
Program Direction and the Command Module
Administrator James Webb knew that the futures of NASA and Apollo were interlocked and that the agency’s peak in appropriations and manpower would probably be reached in 1965 and 1966. But neither he nor the other NASA officials who spent six months each year justifying financial needs before the Bureau of the Budget and Congress could predict just when funding requirements would taper off. On one hand, only $5.1 billion of the $5.25 billion authorized for fiscal 1965 had been spent; on the other, there were indications that the $5.2 billion in the fiscal year 1966 authorization might not be enough. Apollo funding was more than $2.5 billion in 1965 and would exceed $3 billion in each of the next few years. The spacecraft alone accounted for a third of this, $1 billion a year.1
Almost as soon as he joined NASA, Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight George Mueller had argued before Congress, the budget bureau, and his superiors that cost and schedule factors were intertwined: slowing the pace - and many asked, why the hurry? - meant stretching both time and payrolls. To hold costs down, Mueller believed in pushing, although not sacrificing, performance, reliability, and quality, continually admonishing his field centers to “get today’s work done today - and some of tomorrow’s work also.” But the drive for order needed more than Mueller’s prompting. On 15 January 1965, Apollo Program Director Samuel Phillips issued an “Apollo Program Development Plan.” Besides serving as a general reference, this document, in its 17 subdivisions, specified how the Apollo objectives would be reached, how performance and proposed changes would be evaluated, and how these changes, after approval, would be implemented. Its first section, Program Management, laid out the responsibilities for all participants in a pie-shaped chart, sliced to show each major piece of the program and the organization - industry or NASA (MSC, Marshall, Goddard, Kennedy, or Headquarters) - assigned to implement these duties. Other sections dealt with such items as scheduling, procurement, data management, configuration management, logistics, facilities, funds and manpower, and systems engineering. This directive pulled together, in one place, all the parts of Apollo and explained how the decisions to integrate them would be made.2
Mueller had revived the dormant Panel Review Board in late 1964,* hoping to get a tighter rein on configuration control management of the spacecraft and launch vehicles and to speed up the manufacture and qualification of flight vehicles. Houston had established a Configuration Control Panel in 1963, but spacecraft development was in such a fluid state that panel authority was limited. By late 1964, however, ASPO Manager Joseph Shea was able to set up a stronger, more effective, Configuration Control Board to review and manage changes in the spacecraft.3
After much correspondence between Washington and Houston, Shea issued a Configuration Management Plan, outlining his board’s responsibilities and limitations and the functions of each of the program offices under his jurisdiction in carrying out the dictates of the board. But having a plan did not immediately turn the tide. Even after the document was published, Shea and his lieutenants tried in vain to stem mounting weights and slipping schedules. During a briefing at North American in April, Shea felt, as he had earlier, that engineering was getting out of hand and slowing progress on both Block I (earth-orbital) and Block II (lunar-orbital) command modules. Block I spacecraft 004 and 007 would be three and six weeks late leaving the factory, and North American had completed only 526 of nearly 4,000 engineering drawings for Block II. Dale D. Myers, NAA Apollo Program Director in Downey, assured Shea that the company was beginning to catch up on its workload. Nevertheless, Myers reorganized his engineering department into six divisions reporting to his chief engineer, H. Gary Osbon: systems engineering (under Norman J. Ryker, Jr.), project engineering (Ray W. Pyle), vehicle systems (J. J. Williams), control systems (S. M. Treman), ground support equipment (D. K. Bailey), and planning and operations (C. V. Mills).4
Configuration control was a major factor in bringing order to Apollo, but there had to be some way to gauge how well it worked. In mid-August, Mueller and Phillips identified a series of reviews, inspections, and certifications that would be key checkpoints for Apollo:
- Preliminary Design Review (PDR) - to review the basic design during the detailed design phase;
- Critical Design Review (CDR) - to check specifications and engineering drawings before their release for manufacture;
- Flight Article Configuration Inspection (FACI) - to compare hardware with specifications and drawings and to validate acceptance testing (FACI could be repeated to make sure that any deficiencies had been corrected; it would also be repeated on every vehicle that departed significantly from the basic design);
- Certification of Flight Worthiness (COFW) - to certify completion and flight-qualification of each vehicle stage or spacecraft module;
- Design Certification Review (DCR)** - to verify the airworthiness and safety of each spacecraft and launch vehicle design (DCRs would include all government and contractor agencies with major parts of the programs and would formally review the development and qualification of all stages, modules, and subsystems);
- Flight Readiness Review (FRR) - a two-part review before each flight, held by the mission director in Washington, to confirm the readiness of hardware and facilities (the mission period would then begin with the commitment of support forces around the world).
These six checkpoints charted the course for the step-by-step flow of hardware from drawing board and shop floor to flight-ready vehicles at the launch site.5
While Headquarters was working on configuration control and the review plans, command module weight kept getting out of hand. Caldwell Johnson reminded Max Faget in August that, more than a year and a half earlier, he had pointed to weight control as the single most difficult technical problem. To “keep [the] spacecraft on its diet,” Johnson proposed putting pressure on the subsystem managers to begin a rigorous system of checks and cross-checks down through the subsystem level. Faget passed Johnson’s suggestions along to Shea, who, already aware that he had a fat spacecraft, was also being bombarded with warnings about the lack of reliability in Block I. Owen G. Morris, Shea’s Chief of Reliability and Quality Assurance, listed 71 possible failure points that North American had evidently done nothing to eliminate. Morris was not the only one to raise the reliability issue. Shea’s old adversary in the mode selection, Nicholas Golovin of the President’s Science Advisory Committee, wrote that he had heard of 50 items that accounted for “perhaps 95 percent of the unreliability of the Apollo system.”6

Not all the story was bleak, however. In November attention centered on a three-week Critical Design Review for the Block II command module. This event followed reviews of the lower equipment bay and upper deck in February; the guidance and control systems, crew compartment, and docking system in March; the extravehicular mobility unit in April; internal lighting displays and side access hatch in June; and the spacecraft-lunar module adapter in June and August. The major result of all these reviews was an entirely new inspection article called, in engineering shorthand, “EM3” (for engineering manufacturing module mockup), which demonstrated that North American was making progress toward a finished Block II design.
Alan Kehlet, North American’s Block II project manager, and assistants Gerald R. Fagan and Louis W. Walkover made the contractor’s presentation. Kehlet explained that the Critical Design Review was a formal, technical review of the Block II spacecraft as reflected in the program specification. The general format of the briefing was: “This is what the spec says it’s supposed to look like or supposed to do from a functional standpoint, and this is what the design is.”
Before Fagan and Walkover launched into discussions of each individual system, Kehlet told his listeners that NASA must shoulder some of the blame for schedule slips at North American:
This is the status of our vehicles in manufacturing. . . . You can see we are about four weeks behind in 2TV-1 [the Block II thermal-vacuum test article] and primarily [because of a] lack of secondary bond details. . . . The reason we’re having trouble with secondary bond details is [that] we are having trouble defining the wire routing in certain areas. The reason we’re having trouble with defining the wire routing is because the schematics came out late. And the reason schematics came out late was somebody didn’t define their system. And NASA and the [North American] project office get blamed for that. So it’s a chain event. . . .7
For several months, Shea had been critical of Block II progress. He had complained in June that engineers, besides trying to develop the spacecraft, had adopted a stance of “as long as we are making the necessary changes, we might as well introduce these [others].” Therefore he asked the subsystem managers in Houston and Downey, who were causing some of the problems, to review both Blocks I and II and eliminate any unnecessary changes. There were plenty of subsystem or component problems to wrestle with, Shea knew, without constantly redesigning the lower equipment bay to fit changing components. In all fairness, however - and Shea knew this - the subsystem managers at North American and the Manned Spacecraft Center were caught in the trap of changing concepts. For example, the cancellation of onboard maintenance in favor of redundant or backup systems in the event of a malfunction resulted in modified parts and subsystems that would no longer fit in the equipment section.8
But sometimes a change was dictated by troubles that cropped up in supposedly uncomplicated areas. One such nagging problem that arose in 1965 was how to keep the command module windows clean. A fiber glass cap with a cork ablator, called a boost protective cover, was attached to the escape tower and fitted atop the spacecraft to protect the windows during tower jettisoning. When tests showed that the cover would crack and the plumes from the escape tower would deposit soot on the windows and possibly cause other damage, North American bonded Nomex (a nylon material strengthened with Teflon) between the fiber glass and cork layers of the cover to reinforce it.9
And in areas where problems were expected to arise, they did. Two of the tanks - one holding oxidizer and propellant for the command and service module’s reaction control thrusters (with which the spacecraft was steered) and the other housing reactants for the fuel cells that provided electrical power - were in trouble. The Bell Aerospace Systems Company furnished North American with “positive expulsion RCS tanks,” a system that forced propellant and oxidizer into the firing chambers where the fluids would ignite on contact. The oxidizer tanks kept failing, and Bell kept trying to fix them in an apparently disorganized manner. Eventually, the trouble was traced to the oxidizer, which had too little nitrous oxide in the nitrogen tetroxide, causing stress corrosion (or cracking) in the tanks. When the nitrous oxide was more carefully specified and controlled, the tanks stopped failing. The hydrogen and oxygen fuel-cell-reactant storage tanks, tucked in a service module bay, were also developing cracks. By August, Shea was worrying whether Beech Aircraft, who supplied them, would be able to diagnose and solve the problem in time for the early flights. With the aid of Langley Research Center, the trouble was traced to a reaction of the nitrogen tetroxide to the titanium used for the oxidizer tanks and tubing. Beech simply installed stainless steel components, and the problem ended.10
Shea found that the penchant for unnecessary changes in Block II was shared by some of the guidance and navigation system developers. On a visit to Honeywell in May 1965, he learned that 50 percent of the stabilization and control circuitry was new, 30 percent was slightly modified, and only 20 percent was identical with Block I wiring. Although he conceded that many of the changes were warranted, Block II had been used to justify nonessential circuits, as well. Shea believed that the Apollo office was inviting trouble; the changes had reached a point where more time would be lost in trying to eliminate them. Pressure was applied to make sure that North American kept its associate contractors on both the spacecraft and guidance and navigation systems up to date on changes; interface control documents would be used to prevent this kind of problem in the future.11
- See Chapter 5. Members of the review board were Mueller and Phillips (NASA Headquarters), George Low (Houston), Eberhard Rees (Marshall), and Rocco Petrone (Kennedy).
- The first DCR had been conducted on Gemini III on a one-time basis; Mueller was so impressed with the results that he continued the practice for all future missions.
Lunar Module Refinement
Lunar module activities also focused on configuration control, schedules, and funds in 1965. J. Thomas Markley, program control chief, directed the Apollo engineers to be more conservative in their proposals to the Configuration Control Panels. Changes in the spacecraft must correct design flaws, not improve hardware. But stemming the flow of changes in the lunar module was not an easy matter; many were required because of its mission.12

An example was the installation of frangible probes on the base of each foot pad to tell the crew the lander was a meter and a half above the surface and to switch off the descent motor. If the motor were still firing when the craft touched down, the engine nozzle would be damaged, landing stability might be affected, and the ascent stage might be impaired by debris kicked up by the engine exhaust.13
One configuration issue, a carry-over from 1963-1964, remained unresolved throughout 1965 - whether to substitute an optical tracking system for the complex, heavy, and expensive rendezvous radar. In February 1965, the Configuration Control Board deleted the radar from the command module and added flashing lights to the lander. If the lone crewman in the command ship had to perform the rendezvous, he would use onboard optics, a ranging capability, and the VHF communications link between the spacecraft, which would also act as backups if the lander’s radar failed.14
In mid-March, Cline W. Frasier of the Guidance and Control Division suggested replacing the rendezvous radar in the lander with an optical system, as well. Consisting of a star tracker in the lunar module, a xenon strobe light on the command module, and a hand-held sextant for the lander’s pilot, the substitute would offer two advantages: a weight reduction of 40 kilograms and a cost saving of 30 million.15
The Apollo office, hesitant to take such a step, decided to pursue parallel development. In mid-April, Grumman was instructed to design the lander to accept either system and to slow down RCA’s radar development program. Radar-tracker studies at the Manned Spacecraft Center would be completed by September, and a contractor would be selected to design the tracker. William A. Lee in Shea’s office protested holding back RCA; the delay would force the deletion of the radar from the first and second landers, to be used on earth-orbital missions. This, said Lee, would be a violation of the all-up concept of flying only complete spacecraft. Changes in the radar program would be justified, he concluded, solely
by the implicit assumption that we will cancel the program eventually. The logic of this is very questionable, since it clearly says that the money being spent on this program is being wasted deliberately. We should either pursue the radar in a manner which would permit its use on the LEM, or we should cancel it. I can find no middle ground. . . . The small number of earth-orbital LEM flights can be justified only if we adhere rigorously to the ground rules of all-up flights and qualification prior to flight. It is too early in the LEM program to consider compromising these requirements, and to do so for budgetary reasons will almost certainly prove to be false economy.16
In August, Houston amended its contract with AC Electronics to include the optical tracker as government-furnished equipment. Grumman grumbled but kept the spacecraft design flexible. Two months later, MSC’s Assistant Director for Flight Crew Operations Donald Slayton objected to the tracker because of its limitations in determining range and range-rate (approaching and departing speeds) data and the lack of experience in using the instruments. If an immediate choice had to be made, Slayton said, choose the radar. At the end of the year, Mueller, Shea, and Robert C. Duncan set up what they called a “rendezvous sensor olympics” to be completed in the spring of 1966. If either system lagged, the decision would be obvious; if both were successful, Duncan’s division would recommend a choice; if both failed, there would be a lot of work ahead.17
The optical tracker’s lighter weight was attractive, since weight was an important factor in 1965. The lander had gained even more weight during the early months of the year than the command and service modules. In May, Shea persuaded Mueller to approve an increase in lander weight to 14,850 kilograms, including crew and equipment. In June, Harry L. Reynolds warned Owen Maynard that it would be difficult to keep the spacecraft below even that figure. All that summer, the warnings continued. Caldwell Johnson wrote Shea in August that the lander might get too heavy to do its job. The next month Shea asked Houston management for help in solving the problem. He also formed a Weight Control Board (headed by himself to act on reduction proposals.18
Really worried now, Grumman launched a two-pronged attack known as “Scrape” and “SWIP.” Scrape meant just what the word implies, searching the structure for every chance to shave bulk off structural members. But SWIP Super Weight Improvement Program was Grumman’s real war against weight.
Grumman project engineer Thomas J. Kelly led a SWIP team of a dozen experts in structures, mass property, thermodynamics, and electronics, whose task was to second-guess the whole design. This same team had recently and successfully shaved weight off the F-111B aircraft, and it knew what a tough job it was up against. When the SWIP campaign started, the engineering design was 95 percent complete. So designers pored over already approved drawings, looking for ways to lighten the craft. Grumman also pressured Houston officials to keep all government-furnished equipment for the lander within the specified weights. And Bethpage scrutinized parts supplied by its subcontractors and insisted that these weights be reduced wherever possible. Weekly reports and monthly meetings between Bethpage and Houston turned into forums for airing suggestions for further reductions and discussions of what had been done. The first such review, held at Grumman on 3 September, revealed that 45 kilograms had already been whittled from the structure by Scrape. The more extensive SWIP plan was outlined - what had been started, what was planned, and what would be expected by way of evaluation and cooperation from Houston’s Apollo subsystem managers.19
By the end of 1965, Scrape and SWIP had pruned away 1,100 kilograms, providing a comfortable margin below the control weight limit. One of the more striking changes to come from this drive for a lighter spacecraft was the substitution of aluminum-mylar foil thermal blankets for rigid heatshields. The gold wrapping characteristic of the lander’s exterior saved 50 kilograms.20
Many of these weight-reducing changes made the lander so difficult to fabricate, so fragile and vulnerable to damage, that it demanded great care and skill by assembly and checkout technicians. Structural components took on strange and complex shapes, requiring careful machining to remove any excess metal - a costly and time-consuming process even after vendors had been found who would make these odd looking parts.*21
- Arnold Whitaker described how the fabrication group was caught in the squeeze between manufacturing requirements and schedule pressures. At a program management meeting he said that “one of the fellows in manufacturing came in [with] a light cardboard box. . . . He said, ‘I’ll show you why everything’s late.’ And he dumped out a whole box of machined parts . . ., very complex fittings [too thin to be even] reasonably heavy sheet metal - but it wasn’t any sheet metal, it was a complex machined fitting. And he said ‘Man, we never built parts like this before in any quantity like this and every fitting on the LEM looks like this.’ “
The LEM Test Program: A Pacing Item
Houston reviewed Grumman’s testing program during 1965 to make sure it covered everything from small components to the big test articles. On 15 April Grumman began test-firing the ascent engine at White Sands. Propulsion testing was also being conducted at Bell and STL. Although engine firing programs were behind schedule, Houston expected better performance shortly.22
Six lunar test articles LTAs formed the backbone of the ground test program. Bethpage shipped LTA-2 to Huntsville for vibration testing to see if it could withstand launch pressures, and LTA-10 to Tulsa, to check its fit in the adapter. LTA-1 was a “house” spacecraft, used to iron out problems during fabrication, assembly, and checkout. Three more LTAs were under construction: LTA-8 for thermal-vacuum testing in Houston and LTAs 3 and 5 for combined structural shakings, vibrations, and engine firings.23
Flight test plans for the early production landers were flexible to accommodate schedule differences with the command module. LEM-1 naturally received the lion’s share of attention, since Grumman had to get it ready for an unmanned “LEM-alone” mission (Apollo-Saturn 206A). LEM-1 would have to be ready at least three months before the Block II command module, however, or its first mission would be part of a test of the combined spacecraft.24
But Grumman was moving slowly. In the spring of 1965, John H. Disher of NASA’s Washington Apollo office told Shea he believed LEM-1 would be a year late, making the lander a pacing item. Many factors contributed to LEM-1’s inertia, but ground testing topped the list. And the trouble in ground testing was getting equipment ready to make the tests. Grumman’s old bugaboo - ground support equipment (GSE) - had reared its ugly head. The significance of GSE shortages was not lost on Washington. At a program review on 20 April, Mueller told Houston managers to identify all lander GSE, along with the date it would be needed, as “sort of a thermometer” to bring the weaknesses in the system to Grumman management’s attention.25
In mid-May, Grumman officials looked at possible launch dates for the first vehicle but could decide nothing definite because of a pinch in fiscal year 1966 funding. Hardware production had to be cut back in an attempt to absorb some of the loss. In July, Houston directed Bethpage to delete LTA-4, a vibration test article, and two flight test articles (FTAs). To replace the FTAs, two LTAs would be refurbished when they finished ground tests. After trials with scale and full-sized models had been run at Langley and elsewhere, Houston also canceled a landing gear test model as an unnecessary expense.26
Grumman, at a program review on 6 July, then asked NASA to relax the rules on qualification testing and to permit delivery to the Cape of vehicles not fully equipped. Shea rejected this suggestion, ordering his subsystem managers to make sure that only all-up landers left the Grumman plant. Problems with some of the subsystems were a factor in this request. Bell in particular was having trouble with the redesigned injectors and tank bladders for the ascent engine, and manufacturing problems were harassing Hamilton Standard’s environmental control system. Subsystem manager Richard E. Mayo asked Donald Sullivan (head of a manufacturing unit in the Apollo office) to find out what was wrong. When he visited the Windsor Locks plant, Sullivan noted that, although Hamilton Standard was turning out high-quality parts, good solid management in assembling and integrating the system was lacking.27
Electrical and electronics gear, where design changes persisted throughout 1965, was also lagging. The abort sensor assembly (part of the abort guidance system), for example, was redesigned to incorporate continuous thermal control, a programmable memory for the computer, and a data-entry-display assembly. In mid-August R. Wayne Young, who had succeeded William Rector as the lander’s project officer, ordered Grumman project manager Robert Mullaney to stop making changes if the present system could do the job.28
Program spending began to equal schedules in importance. Just as the lander got rolling toward flight hardware production, it was caught in the budgetary squeeze imposed by Congress. Grumman had to shoulder most of the burden in holding expenses down. Expenditures had risen dramatically - from $135 million in fiscal 1964 to an estimated $350 million for 1966 - as Apollo funding reached its crisis during spring and summer 1965. Grumman’s fiscal discipline lagged in technical problem-solving, subcontracting, and cost and schedule performance. To push the contractor toward a solution, Houston decided it was time to convert Grumman’s cost-plus-fixed-fee contract to an incentive agreement. With incentives to meet and penalties to face if they were not met, Grumman could be expected to overcome these deficiencies.29
The drive for incentive contracting had started in Washington in 1962, when NASA Associate Administrator Robert Seamans and John H. Rubel of the Department of Defense discussed the possibility of converting NASA contracts; defense procurement had called for incentive contracting, whenever possible, for some time. The use of incentives rather than a fixed fee, a turnabout in government dealings with industry, was controversial. Critics pointed to lengthy delays in negotiations that tied up engineers who otherwise could be working on program hardware and a “worsening of government-industry relations by causing contractual bickering.” Seamans and Mueller disagreed, insisting that incentives placed more responsibility on the contractor. It did take time and talent to work out the provisions, but it promised better performance.30
NASA had made only modest headway in this conversion during 1963 and 1964, but the agency intended to revamp the spacecraft contracts in 1965. Mueller wrote MSC Director Gilruth in April, stressing that incentives must reflect schedules, cost, and performance, in that order. To pave the way for incentive negotiations, Houston had to clear up a number of unresolved contract change authorizations, which would be reviewed by a board made up of Houston and Bethpage officials. The review began in mid-March and ended in April with participants deadlocked.31
Houston and Bethpage kept trying to work out the individual contract changes, but there was still no agreement in early June, after three weeks of negotiations. Gilruth and Shea then discussed the impasse with E. Clinton Towl, president of Grumman, and decided that it was pointless to convert the contract at that time. Houston did impose a LEM Management Plan on Grumman, hoping to control cost, schedules, and performance. Until the last quarter of the year, Grumman would be allowed to spend only $78 million, which was less than the contract costs estimated during the unsuccessful review. If Grumman could stay within this limit for a quarter, however, negotiations for the incentive contract could resume.32
In the interval Grumman concentrated on bringing its subcontractors into line and converting its agreements with them into incentive contracts, trying to demonstrate satisfactory control of the program. In September, Grumman submitted a proposal for contract conversion to NASA. Negotiations lasted until December and culminated in a contract with enough incentives to spur the contractor to maintain costs and schedules and to meet performance milestones. This arrangement, announced in February 1966, carried the lander program through 1969 at a cost of $1.42 billion. North American’s incentive contract was also negotiated (at an estimated $2.2 billion) during the latter half of 1965.33
The Manned Factor
While various organizations struggled to get the spacecraft through the development phase, human factors experts concentrated on the progress of the spacesuit and the selection of astronauts. For some time, the suit had met turmoil, schedule delays, and technical problems. Early in 1962, Houston had forced a marriage between Hamilton Standard (for a portable life support system) and the International Latex Corporation (for the suit). Hamilton Standard managed the whole system, known as the extravehicular mobility unit. From the beginning, the arrangement proved unworkable.
Just how unworkable was revealed in the spring of 1964, when prototype suits used in the command module mockup review turned out to be incompatible with the Apollo spacecraft cabin. NASA officials had to fall back on Gemini suits for Block I earth-orbital flights. This substitution gave Hamilton Standard and International Latex a chance to straighten out their problems, but borrowed time did not spell progress. Early in 1965, Hamilton Standard announced that its system manager for the backpack had begun in-house work on backup components for the suit (such as helmets and suit joints). The company had thus become a competitor of its own subcontractor. In February, Hamilton Standard reported that it intended to cancel the International Latex contract, citing poor performance, late deliveries, and cost overruns. Houston concurred.
Houston had also started some remedial actions. In January, David Clark Company, maker of the Gemini suit, had received a contract for backup development of an Apollo Block II suit. After six months, Houston would compare David Clark’s suit with what Hamilton Standard, aided by B. F. Goodrich Company, was turning out. International Latex, informed that it was not being considered in the competition, nevertheless asked permission to submit an entry. When Crew Systems Division tested the three suits in June, International Latex had by far the best product.34
In mid-September, Gilruth and Low told Mueller and Phillips that Hamilton Standard would continue to manufacture the backpack. To eliminate the integration problems of the past, Houston would manage the total system and International Latex would develop the suit under a separate contract. This arrangement was agreeable to NASA Headquarters.35
The other major activity in human factors was the expansion of the astronaut corps. During 1962 and 1963, NASA had selected the second and third groups of pilots. These 23, the Gemini generation, with the original seven formed the basic pool for Apollo crews. In 1965, a new breed, called “scientist-astronauts,” joined the ranks in training at Houston. NASA Headquarters hoped to mollify some of the scientific grumblers and to strengthen its ties with the scientific community by emphasizing Apollo’s potential contribution to science - not only from the instruments that would send back information from the moon but from the men who would fly them there. Surprisingly, some of the drive to enlist these scientist-crewmen came from engineering-oriented Houston.
Robert B. Voas, human factors assistant to Gilruth and a key figure in setting up procedures for selecting Mercury pilots, had conferred with NASA Director of Space Sciences Homer Newell in Washington in 1963 about Houston’s views on scientists for the space program. Voas later met with Eugene M. Shoemaker (of Newell’s office), Joseph Shea, and George Low to discuss the most appropriate specialties. With an eye to lunar-surface, long-duration, and earth-orbital activities, the quartet agreed that the disciplines needed were geology, geophysics, medicine, and physiology.
At this September 1963 meeting, Voas emphasized that Houston wanted qualified pilots, but Shea saw no need for any previous flying experience. Why not take this opportunity to introduce methods for selecting and training nonpilots? In the end, the consensus was that candidates with flying backgrounds would be given preference but that applications from otherwise qualified men who lacked this training would be accepted. The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) should be asked to help recruit and select scientists for the program. Administrator Webb approved the recommendation.36
Harry H. Hess of NAS agreed in April 1964 to have his Space Science Board define appropriate scientific qualifications (age and physical criteria would be Houston’s responsibility). Hess established an ad hoc committee, which submitted its report to Newell in July. In October, NASA announced that it was looking for astronauts with scientific training. For the first time, the selection criteria did not include a requirement for test pilot proficiency. Selectees who were not qualified pilots would be taught to fly after they joined the program. More than 1,000 applications had been received by December; 400 of these were forwarded to Hess’s board in February 1965 for academic ranking.37
In June, NASA announced that 6 scientist-astronauts had been chosen from 16 nominated by the science board. In the group were one geologist (Harrison H. Schmitt), two physicians (Duane E. Graveline and Joseph P. Kerwin), and three physicists (Owen K. Garriott, Edward G. Gibson, and F. Curtis Michel). Two of the men, Kerwin and Michel, were qualified jet pilots, but the others were not. These four reported to Williams Air Force Base, Arizona, on 29 July for a year of flight training before joining their colleagues in Houston.38
Gilruth wanted another team of pilot-astronauts, and he sent Slayton to Washington to argue the case before Mueller on 15 January 1965. Mueller was cool to the idea, but he later told Gilruth that he might bring another group on board in the fall. On 10 September, NASA announced it would recruit a fifth set of astronauts to ensure “an adequate number of flight crews for Project Apollo and future manned missions.”39
Portents for Operations
While Phillips and Shea worked on Apollo spending, schedules, mission assignments, and crew selection, Wernher von Braun and his Marshall Space Flight Center colleagues launched a series of three satellites that calmed many of the fears about micrometeoroid hazards of manned space flight in earth orbit. Astronomers had warned about the dangers of space dust to extended spacecraft flights, but Project Mercury had encountered no insuperable difficulties. With Gemini plans for manned spacecraft spending as much as two weeks in space, however, it was imperative that NASA have data from unmanned missions.
NASA’s Office of Advanced Research and Technology and Marshall laid plans for a vehicle called “Pegasus” and hired the Fairchild Stratos Corporation to build it. By 1964, preliminary designs had been completed and ground testing begun. After considering various shapes, even some resembling parasols, Fairchild adopted a simple flat wing that would deploy in orbital flight to a span of 30 meters and expose 80 times more surface - a total of 700 square meters - than any previous detector in orbit.40
The last three Saturn I launches - numbered, in an odd sequence, 9, 8, and 10,* and called Saturn-Apollo (SA) or Apollo-Saturn (AS), depending on which documents (Marshall or Manned Spacecraft Center) were read - carried both Pegasus satellites and boilerplate (BP) Apollo spacecraft. SA-9 (or AS-103) was launched from the Cape on 16 February, tossing its two payloads into separate orbits. During its fourth revolution, the Pegasus registered its first micrometeoroid hit; two weeks later the count reached only a score; and by May the total was not more than 70. When the other Pegasus missions, launched on 23 May and 30 July, encountered as little orbital debris, Apollo engineers were more confident that micrometeoroids would cause few problems in earth orbit to the thin-skinned service module and much less to the command module wrapped in its protective heatshield cocoon.41
Pegasus provided near-earth data to Apollo; another unmanned vehicle, Ranger, gave a view of the ultimate goal - the moon. After many failures and in July 1964 one resounding success, Ranger ended with two sterling flights, one in February and one in March 1965 - much to the relief and credit of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the parent organization. Ranger VIII, aimed at the moon’s equatorial zone in the Sea of Tranquillity, transmitted more than 7,000 pictures before it crashed. Engineers and scientists had an opportunity to study features no more than 30 centimeters in size. Ranger IX, heading for the crater Alphonsus, made the three-day trip with scarcely a course correction. Telemetry from this vehicle, translated and fed through commercial television, gave the public its first close-up view of the moon.42
Manned space flight was a beehive of activities in 1965, with the Gemini program recording five outstanding missions. The Soviet Union had twice flown its multimanned Voskhod spacecraft - in October 1964 and March 1965 - and the United States was eager to rejoin the competition. On 23 March after a 22-month hiatus in American manned flight, Virgil Grissom and John Young, in a three-orbit flight aboard Gemini III fired their spacecraft thrusters and changed their orbit. For the first time, man was truly controlling a spacecraft and its direction and speed in space. But this was only a spacecraft qualification flight. More ambitious missions were ahead for Gemini, to test the abilities of the astronauts in space and ground crews in the control center and around the worldwide tracking network in preparation for Apollo.
The next two Gemini missions, IV and V, were stepped increases in endurance, four days and eight days, each flight with its individual flavor. James McDivitt and Edward White flew a four-day mission 3-7 June that featured extravehicular activity and a practice rendezvous with the second stage of their launch vehicle. White, using a hand-held jet gun, propelled himself through space and floated at the end of a snakelike eight-meter tether with considerable aplomb.** The attempt to maneuver up to the spent booster stage was not so successful, however, causing some exponents of rendezvous to worry about the future. But little more than two months later, 21-29 August, Gordon Cooper and Charles Conrad embarked on an eight-day voyage and successfully carried out a “phantom rendezvous,” catching an imaginary moving target set up by the flight controllers. Deputy Administrator Hugh Dryden wrote President Lyndon Johnson that the success of Gemini V, clearing the way for a two-week endurance test, “has assured us of man’s capability to travel to the moon and return.”43
Although Dryden did not live to see it (he died on 2 December), the year ended with the most exciting and ambitious space flight up to that time. Known to many as the “Spirit of ’76,” the concurrent flight of two manned Gemini spacecraft proved the feasibility of both long-duration flight and rendezvous. It began with the launch of Gemini VII, piloted by Frank Borman and James Lovell, on 4 December. Eleven days later, Walter Schirra and Thomas Stafford flew Gemini VI-A to a rendezvous with their orbiting compatriots to cap a banner year in space.44
Gemini’s successes, although answering important questions, spawned some unwelcome suggestions for Apollo. White’s spectacular extravehicular operation touched off plans for a similar exercise in the first manned Apollo flight; Shea vetoed that idea in a hurry. An even grander scheme pitted Gemini against Apollo. LEO, for “Large Earth Orbit” - all the way around the moon - was championed by Charles Mathews and André Meyer of the Gemini office and subsequently endorsed by Gilruth and Mueller. Since LEO could put Americans in the vicinity of the moon earlier than Apollo, it would be a big leap forward in the space race, which still loomed large in the minds of many people. Four Russian Luna missions had unsuccessfully attempted soft landings during 1965, demonstrating that the Soviet Union was still interested in the lunar target. Seamans vetoed LEO, believing Apollo needed no more competition. But Congress got wind of the plan and started asking questions. When Representative Olin E. Teague wanted to know if there would be any advantages to such a mission, Webb answered that it would be expensive and would still not guarantee success in beating the Russians to a lunar landing. Apollo was operating on a thin margin of resources as it was; if Congress wanted to spend more money, he told Teague, “I believe it would be in the national interest to [give it to] the Apollo program.”45
So Gemini and Apollo were not to be rivals. Then could they perhaps assist each other? Howard W. Tindall, Jr. (whose specialty was mission planning and whose “Tindallgrams” achieved local fame), did not think so.*** They shared the mutual objectives of rendezvous, docking, and long-duration flight, but hardware and mission planning were so different and the respective managers were so busy trying to meet schedules that they could seldom afford the luxury of keeping abreast of each other’s program.46
Apollo also had some operational successes in 1965 - none as spectacular as the Gemini flights but one at least more breathtaking than expected. Several dozen newsmen gathered at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, on 19 May to watch Mission A-003, an abort test of a boilerplate spacecraft at an altitude of 35,000 meters. At 6 that morning, the Little Joe II ignited and rammed its payload skyward. A few seconds after liftoff, a fin-vane at the base of the booster stuck and started the 13-meter-tall spacecraft-booster combination spinning like a bullet. Twenty-six seconds into the flight and still on a true course, the vehicle started coming apart. The abort-sensing system signaled the launch escape tower rocket to fire and pull the spacecraft away at an altitude of 4,000 meters. While newsmen watched the fluttering remains of the Little Joe II, BP-22’s parachutes lowered it gently to the desert floor. Apollo had another answer: the launch escape system worked in a real abort situation.47
Little more than a month later, on 29 June, the launch team in New Mexico prepared to test an abort off the pad. The year before, a similar test had proved the escape tower rocket could jerk the spacecraft safely away from an exploding launch vehicle. But both the spacecraft and its escape system had since gained weight. In the second test, the rocket pulled the spacecraft higher in the air and farther downrange than expected.48

Perhaps one of the more heartening events during 1965 was the static-firing at the Mississippi Test Facility of the S-IC, the first stage of the Saturn V. The five F-1 engines, burning for six and a half seconds, produced the designed 33.4 million newtons (7.5 million pounds) of thrust, as much power as five Saturn Is lashed together. Going on up the Saturn V stack, the S-II second stage was static-fired in April and the S-IVB third stage in August, with excellent results.49 Although the Saturn I, with its ten straight launch successes, had already proved the clustered-stage concept, Mueller and his staff breathed easier after the Saturn V tests.
Only solar radiation remained a worry of first rank at the end of 1965. During the year, a Solar Particle Alert Network was set up to study sunspots and to develop some techniques for predicting solar storms, so Apollo crews could take protective action against dangerous doses of radiation. The cyclical nature of sunspot behavior was, fortunately, fairly well understood. By using existing observatories and adding a few more (one at Houston), NASA intended to plan Apollo missions to avoid the periods of greatest solar activity.50
A new hazard discussed with increasing frequency during the year was the danger of back contamination from pathogenic organisms aboard a returning lunar spacecraft. The possibility of contaminating other planets during space exploration had long been recognized; now the risks of returning materials to the earth after exploratory voyages had to be faced. The United States Public Health Service was brought in to advise NASA on care of lunar samples and crews. Sharing the apprehensions, Congress hastily authorized the construction of a special quarantine facility in Houston. The Lunar Sample Receiving Laboratory, hurriedly built during the next two years, was one of the most elaborately safeguarded biological facilities in the world.51
Another indication that the operational phase of Apollo was approaching was Mueller’s creation in July of a Site Selection Board to recommend lunar landing areas. Gilruth sent William Lee and William E. Stoney, Jr., to serve on this board, as well as on the Ad Hoc Surveyor Lunar Orbiter Utilization Committee (which Gilruth believed belonged in the same basket, anyway). The next month, John E. Dornbach’s Lunar Surface Technology Branch compiled lists of candidate sites. In October, NASA announced that ten areas had been selected and that they would be photographed by Lunar Orbiter cameras during 1966.52
Picking sites and building a facility to handle samples and crews on their return to earth were good starts toward operations, but some communications and control systems problems remained to be ironed out. Early in its planning, NASA had seen the need for a “real-time computer complex” (RTCC) for instantaneous information on and control of manned space missions. Located at Goddard during all of Mercury and the early part of Gemini, the complex linked 17 ground stations around the globe and permitted observers to monitor manned flights on virtually a continuous basis. In addition, Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo needed digital applications in six other areas: premission planning and analysis; space flight simulations to aid manufacturers and astronauts; launch operations, so data could be instantly checked and analyzed; physiological monitoring of crewmen in flight, using biosensors; postflight mission analyses, so data on each flight could be catalogued and filed for future reference; and in the arena of worldwide testing, known to NASA by the fishy-sounding acronym CADFISS, for computer and data-flow integrated subsystems.
After lengthy technical and administrative arguments, NASA moved the computer complex to Houston to form an “integrated mission control center.” The center would have four main duties: processing global signals for display to flight controllers, computing and sending antenna-aiming directions to the global tracking stations, providing navigation information to the spacecraft, and simulating all mission data for personnel training and equipment checkout. By spring of 1965, Houston’s computer complex was nearly ready, with five IBM 7094 model II computers on the line. Flight Director Chris Kraft assured Mueller the complex would be ready to control Gemini IV in June, and he was right. In September, a supplemental Univac 1230 was added to the complex, and plans were laid to replace the 7094s with new IBM 360 model 75s. Although the 7094s remained in service until 1968, modifications and upgrading provided a daily capacity of 80 billion calculations.53
Besides the enormous ground-based complexes, American industry had developed small computers for aeronautics and astronautics. While MIT’s Instrumentation Laboratory was developing the Apollo guidance and navigation system, a major part of which was the onboard computer, throughout the computer industry there were breakthroughs in technology, based on microminiaturization, transistors, integrated circuits, thin-film memories, high-frequency power conversion, and multilayer interconnection boards.
Mercury had flown without onboard computers, but Gemini needed a digital computer and visual displays to control ascent, rendezvous, orbital navigation, and reentry. IBM delivered the first computer for a Gemini spacecraft in 1963, but NASA had been shopping around for a computer source for Apollo even earlier. In May 1962, NASA and MIT had selected Raytheon. Drawing on MIT’s experience with Polaris missiles and nuclear submarines, Raytheon produced a general-purpose prototype by mid-1965.
The first Block I computer embodied significant advances over other computers. But it was soon discontinued because NASA decided to delete inflight maintenance and because the design was not satisfactory in either malfunction detection or packaging. The next, or Block II, version corrected these weaknesses. Weighing 31 kilograms and consuming only 70 watts of power during normal operation, the Block II “brains” incorporated redundant systems and had the largest memory of any onboard spacecraft computer to that time (37,000 words).54
- SA-9 was the last of the eight S-1 first stages built by Marshall; SA-8 was the first built by Chrysler at the Michoud facility in Louisiana. Chrysler needed more time to develop its stage, so SA-9 flew first.
- Soviet Cosmonaut Aleksey Leonov had taken the world’s first space walk when he left the confines of Voskhod II on 18 March 1965.
- Some Apollo engineers did not agree with Tindall. James C. Church thought Apollo might learn something about program control from Gemini, and Calvin H. Perrine wanted some expert advice on ground test programs from the office that had just gone through that experience. Duncan believed the Gemini sextant might be modified for use on Apollo. Rolf W. Lanzkron and Joseph P. Loftus, Jr., were anxious to learn anything they could from the crews that they might apply to Apollo. And H. B. Graham of North American, who made a comparison of Apollo and Gemini checkout procedures, assumed that further study might show some of the Gemini measures applicable to Apollo.
The Course and the Future
Two major questions faced NASA planners during 1965. Was Apollo on course, at what was essentially its midpoint, to meet the goal of a lunar landing before the end of the decade? And what should follow Apollo in the manned space flight arena?
To find the answer to the first question, the House Subcommittee on NASA Oversight, led by Teague, set up a special staff in June to assess schedules, funding, and spacecraft management. After three months of probing, a staff study published under the title Pacing Systems of the Apollo Program identified seven bottlenecks in Apollo. For the lander, pacing systems were the descent engine, rendezvous radar, weight growth, and ground support equipment; for the command and service modules, they were engineering drawing releases, subassembly delivery and certification, and tooling and fabrication of the heatshield. The subcommittee concluded that NASA was applying its resources effectively to these problems and the program was progressing on schedule.55
NASA leaders, meanwhile, were worrying about what would come after Apollo, in view of the rising demand for dollars for human resources on the domestic front and military commitments abroad, particularly in Southeast Asia. Out of this concern came a new Headquarters program office called Apollo Applications (AAP), headed by David M. Jones, an Air Force major general assigned to NASA. Mueller had two objectives in setting up this office: preserving the Apollo team and using the hardware to get some pay-offs in science and earth resources.
To Houston this was evading the issue. In a lengthy letter to Mueller, MSC Director Gilruth manifested "deep concern that . . . a critical mismatch exists between the present AAP planning, the significant opportunities for manned space flight, and the resources available for this program." Speaking both for himself and his deputy, George Low - who as much as anyone within NASA had helped chart the course for Apollo - Gilruth proposed that "the next major step in manned space flight should involve a large permanent manned orbital station," which would be "an operational step leading to man’s exploration of the planets." As structured, he said, AAP would simply maintain the status quo in the production and flight of Saturn-Apollo hardware. "Merely doing this, without planning for a new program, and without doing significant research and development as part of AAP, will not maintain the momentum we have achieved."56
Thus the total climate of opinion surrounding Apollo had altered. No longer did the moon seem the all-important - and all-consuming - goal it had been. Other objectives in the new ocean of space were taking shape. But conditions were not ripe: 1966 would be a year of progress for existing manned space flight programs, not a curtain-raiser for any major new projects. In one more flight, Little Joe II would complete its series of Apollo tests; after five more missions, which made orbital flight routine, Gemini would phase out and Lunar Orbiter and Surveyor would phase in; and Saturn and Apollo vehicles would taste the first fruits of success.
- NASA Program and Special Reports Div., “Pocket Statistics: History,” January 1971 (issued semiannually), pp. E-2 through E-4; Congress, An Act to authorize appropriations to [NASA]: Public Law 89-53, 89th Cong., 1st sess., 28 June 1965; Congress, An Act making appropriations . . . for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1965 . . . : Public Law 89-128, 89th Cong., 2nd sess., 16 Aug. 1965.X
- OMSF Apollo Program Office, “Apollo Program Development Plan,” NPC C500, MA 0001000-1, 15 Jan. 1965.X
- Kennedy Space Center, minutes of Panel Review Board Meeting 64-1, 28 Jan. 1964; Joseph F. Shea memo, “Configuration Control Board,” 1 Dec. 1964; Aubrey L. Brady, secretary, minutes of Configuration Control Board Meeting no. 1, [13 Jan. 1965], with enc.; J. Thomas Markley to Gordon J. Stoops, “Critique of First CCB Meeting,” 15 Jan. 1965. For a discussion of what configuration management really is, see Andrew Hobokan to Mgr., LEM, “Configuration Management,” 15 July 1965.X
- MSC, “Apollo Spacecraft Program Office Configuration Management Plan,” 1 March 1965, Revision B, 15 March 1965; North American, “Shea Briefing - April 15, 1965”; North American organization announcement, H. Gary Osbon and Dale D. Myers to Apollo Engineering Supervision, “Apollo Engineering Reorganization,” 30 April 1965, with attached organization charts.X
- OMSF, “Sequence and Flow of Hardware Development and Key Inspection, Review, and Certification Checkpoints,” Apollo Program Directive No. 6, 12 Aug. 1965.X
- Maxime A. Faget to Mgr., ASPO, “Apollo spacecraft weight control,” 30 Aug. 1965, with encs., Caldwell C. Johnson to Dir., MSC, 29 Jan. 1965, and to Asst. Dir., Engineering and Development (E&D), 9 Aug. 1965, subj. as above; Clinton L. Taylor to North American, Attn.: James C. Cozad, “Control-display criteria for crew safety and mission success,” 8 Jan. 1965; Owen E. Maynard to Mgr., ASPO, “Single Point Failures,” 17 Feb. 1965; Osbon to MSC, Attn.: Taylor, “Single-Point Failures in Controls and Displays,” 5 Aug. 1965; Shea memo, “Apollo Spacecraft Failure Reporting and Corrective Action Follow-up and Display,” 27 Oct. 1965; Owen G. Morris memo, “NAA Single Point Failures,” 1 Oct. 1965; R. Wayne Young to Grumman, Attn.: Robert S. Mullaney, “Single Point Failures,” 22 Nov. 1965; Maj. Gen. Samuel C. Phillips to Wernher von Braun et al., 31 Aug. 1965, with enc., Nicholas E. Golovin to members and consultants, Space Technology Panel, “Letter to General Phillips and Questions to NASA for the Houston Meeting (October 14-16, 1965),” 27 Aug. 1965, with encs.; Phillips to von Braun et al., 15 Sept. 1965, with enc.X
- Maynard memos, “Critical Design Review of Block II CSM,” 29 Sept., 1 Nov., and 10 Nov. 1965; Taylor to North American, Attn.: Cozad, “Block II Critical Design Review No. 1, Part I, Lower Equipment Bay and Forward Compartment,” 4 Feb. 1965; Maynard memo, “Design Review of CM Lower Equipment Bay and Forward Compartment,” 12 Feb. 1965; Taylor TWX to North American, Attn.: Cozad, 10 March 1965; Robert C. Duncan to Young, “1965 NASA-DOD Apollo Guidance and Control Systems Design Review,” 4 March 1965; Maynard to Robert D. Langley and Lawrence G. Williams, “Design Review of Docking System,” 18 March 1965; Maynard memo, “Apollo Controls and Displays,” 6 April 1965; Taylor TWX to North American, Attn.: Cozad, 13 April 1965; Maynard to Chief, Guidance and Control (G&C) Div., “Block II CSM Crew Compartment and Docking System Critical Design Review,” 15 April 1965; Maynard memo, “Design Review of Block II CM Crew compartment and docking system,” 15 April 1965, with encs.; Charles R. Haines memo, “Review of RID’s from Block II Crew Compartment and Lighting Critical Reviews,” 10 Sept. 1965; Taylor TWX to North American, Attn.: Cozad, 21 April 1965; Maynard memos, “Design Review of CM Block II SLA,” 4 June 1965, with enc., and “Spacecraft LEM Adapter Critical Design Review,” 5 Aug. 1965, with encs.; “Critical Design Review for the Black II Spacecraft LEM Adapter, 12-13 August 1965”; MSC, “Apollo Block 2 Critical Design Review (CDR),” transcript of proceedings, 16 Nov. 1965; Maynard memo, “Block II CSM CDR Board Review, 6-10 December 1965,” 6 Dec. 1965; Jon H. Brown to David D. Ewart, “Quick Look Report on the Critical Design Review (CDR) of the Block II Engineering-Manufacturing Mockup Module (EM3),” 21 Dec. 1965; Taylor to North American, Attn.: Cozad, “Block II CSM Critical Design Review (CDR),” 30 Dec. 1965.X
- Shea to all Subsystem Mgrs. and to Chief, SED, “Changes between Block I and Block II spacecraft,” 5 June 1965.X
- Williams to Chief, SED, “Boost Protective Cover Status,” 27 Jan. and 5 Feb. 1965; Taylor TWX to North American, Attn.: Cozad,12 Feb. 1965; Taylor to North American, “Implementation of action items for Boost Protective Cover Status Review Meeting,” 12 Feb. 1965, with enc., abstract of Boost Protective Cover Status Review Meeting, 2 Feb. 1965; Oscar O. Ohlsson to Chief, SED, “Boost Protective Cover Status,” 4 March 1965; Williams to Chief, SED, “Boost Protective Cover (BPC) status,” 11 March 1965; Maynard to Chief, Structures and Mechanics Div. (SMD), “Minutes of NASA/NAA Review of Boost Protective Cover Problem Areas at NAA,” 7 May 1965, with encs., minutes, 23 April 1965, and Daniel A. Nebrig memo, “NASA Action Items Resulting from AFRM 009 DEI Board Meeting,” 28 April 1965; Taylor TWX to North American, Attn.: Cozad, “Pad Abort and Boost Protective Cover Presentations to MSC,” 7 June 1965; Maynard to Chief, SMD, “Action Items Resulting from Boost Protective Cover Problem Area Review at MSC June 11, 1965,” 15 June 1965; Taylor TWX to North American, Attn.: Cozad, “SC009 DEI, RFC009-A-37,” 4 Nov. 1965; Williams, telephone interview, 30 April 1975; Robert L. Dotts, “Spacecraft Heating Environment and Thermal Protection for Launch through the Atmosphere of the Earth,” Apollo Experience Report (AER), NASA Technical Note (TN) S-350 (MSC-04942), review copy, July 1972.X
- James C. Church to Chief, Program Control Div. (PCD), “Bell Review Report (C&SM Positive Expulsion RCS Tanks),” 21 Jan. 1965; B. Darrell Kendrick to Chief, Propulsion and Power Div. (PPD), “Trip to Bell Aerosystems Company (BAC) on July 14 and 15, 1965, regarding S/M F (S/N 26) RCS Tank Shell Failure,” 26 July 1965; Young TWX to Grumman, Attn.: Mullaney, 3 Aug. 1965; Ralph J. Taeuber and Dwayne P. Weary, “Command and Service Module Reaction Control Systems,” AER TN S-336 (MSC-06808), review copy, November 1972; Phillips to Dir., Research Div., OART, NASA, “Compatibility of Titanium Propellant Tanks with Nitrogen Tetroxide,” 7 March 1965; Shea TWX to NASA Hq., Attn.: Phillips, 9 April 1965; Shea to William E. Rice, “Beech Aircraft status of cryogenic storage system,” 16 Aug. 1965; Taylor TWX to North American, Attn.: Cozad, 19 Aug. 1965; William A. Chandler, Robert R. Rice, and Robert K. Allgeier, Jr., “The Cryogenic Storage System,” AER TN S-321 (MSC-04713), review copy, November 1972.X
- Shea to Duncan, “Visit to Minneapolis Honeywell,” 10 May 1965; Taylor TWXs to North American, Attn.: Cozad, 18 Aug., 13 Sept., and 27 Sept. 1965.X
- Markley memo, “CCB/CCP Actions,” 23 June 1965.X
- Richard Reid, “Simulation and Evaluation of Landing Gear Probe for Sensing Engine Cutoff Altitude During Landing,” Internal Note MSC-IN-65-EG-10, 15 March 1965; MSC Quarterly Activity Report for Assoc. Admin., OMSF, NASA, for period ending 30 April 1965, pp. 67-68; Grumman Reports no. 30, LPR-10-46, 10 Aug., p. 18, and no. 33, LPR-10-49, 10 Nov. 1965, p. 15.X
- Maynard to Chief, Instrumentation and Electronics Div. (IESD), “Requirement for VHF ranging capability between CSM and LEM,” 15 Feb. 1965; Shea to NASA Hq., Attn.: Dep. Dir., Apollo Prog., “Request for revision to Apollo System Specification . . .,” 19 Feb. 1965; Shea to Grumman, Attn.: Mullaney, “Functional and design requirements for LEM tracking light,” 15 March 1965; Shea to George E. Mueller, 20 April 1965.X
- Cline W. Frasier, “LEM Rendezvous Radar vs. Optical Tracker Study,” MSC, 16 March 1965.X
- William F. Rector III to LEM Contracting Officer, “Request for CCA - Integration of PNGS With Optical Tracker into the LEM Ascent Stage,” 14 April 1965, and “Request for Contractor Direction, Rendezvous Radar Transponder (RR/T) Schedule Revision - LEM-2 Constraint vs. LEM-1,” 19 April 1965; Shea to Mueller, 28 April 1965; Young TWX to AC Spark Plug, Attn.: Hugh Brady, 28 April 1965; William A. Lee to Mgr., ASPO, “Proposed reduction in LEM radar expenditure,” 11 May 1965.X
- Aubrey Brady, minutes, Configuration Control Board Meeting no. 17, 23 Aug. 1965; George C. Franklin to RASPO Mgr., Bethpage, “Light, LEM external tracking, evaluation of contract proposals,” 27 Aug. 1965; Young TWX to Grumman, Attn.: Mullaney, “LEM Action Item L-29,” 30 Aug. 1965; Shea to Phillips, 31 Aug. 1965; Warren J. North to Chief, G&C, “LEM Exterior Tracking Light, LSP 340-409,” 2 Sept. 1965; Young to Grumman, Attn.: Mullaney, “Selection of Rendezvous Radar or Optical Tracker for LEM Navigation Requirement,” 1 Oct. 1965; Donald K. Slayton to Mgr., ASPO, “LEM rendezvous requirements,” 14 May 1965, and “LEM optical tracker,” 1 Oct. 1965, with enc., “Evaluation of LEM Optical Tracker in LEM Mission,” n.d.; Maynard to Asst. Mgr. ASPO, “Incorporation of Direct Range Measurement Earth Orbital,” 14 Dec. 1965, with enc., Frasier to Chief, G&C, “Direct range measurement in the LEM with LORS,” 4 Nov. 1965; Duncan to Asst. Chiefs, E&D and Project Mgmt., “Competition of radar and optical tracker system for the LEM,” 20 Dec. 1965.X
- Johnson to Shea, “CSM Weight predicted growth,” 10 March 1965, with enc.; Ohlsson to Chief, Systems Engineering Div. (SED), “Comments on spacecraft weight status analysis,” 7 April 1965; Shea to NASA Hq., Attn.: Dir., Apollo Prog., “Revised LEM Control Weights,” 26 May 1965; Young to Grumman, Attn.: Mullaney, “Revised delta-V budget and LEM control weight,” 4 June 1965; Harry L. Reynolds to Chief, SED, “LEM Weight Control,” 25 June 1965; Maynard memo, “Weight reduction changes,” 18 Aug. 1965; Maynard to LEM Subsystems Mgrs., “LEM mass properties data,” 20 Aug. 1965; J. Leroy Bullard to Chief, SED, “Weight Control Program,” 20 Aug. 1965; Lee memo, “Review of LEM weight status and recovery plans,” 30 Aug. 1965; Maynard to Mgr., ASPO, “Apollo principal technical problems,” 10 Sept. 1965; Shea memo, “Weight Control Board,” 13 Sept. 1965, and “Apollo Weight Control Program,” 13 Sept. 1965, with enc., “Apollo Weight Control Plan,” n.d.X
- Thomas J. Kelly, “Apollo Lunar Module Mission and Development Status,” paper presented at AIAA Fourth Annual Meeting and Technical Display, AIAA paper 67-863, Anaheim, Calif., 23-27 Oct. 1967, p. 9; Maynard to LEM Subsystems Mgrs., “LEM Super Weight Improvement Program (SWIP),” 23 Nov. 1965, with enc., Kelly memo, subj. as above, 16 Sept. 1965; Lee memo, “GAEC SWIP Program Review,” 20 Sept. 1965, with enc., minutes, Grumman weight reduction effort, “SWIP,” 3 Sept. 1965; Mullaney, interview, Bethpage, N.Y., 2 May 1966; Arnold B. Whitaker, interview, Bethpage, 12 Feb. 1970; Kelly, interview, Bethpage, 7 Dec. 1971.X
- Lee to Thermo-Structures Br., Attn.: James A. Smith, Jr., “LEM weight reductions in the area of thermal control,” 8 Sept. 1965; Grumman Report no. 33, p. 1; Kelly and Mullaney interviews.X
- Donald B. Sullivan to LEM Contract Engineering Br. (CEB), “Manufacturing Comments on the LEM Program Schedule 33A,” 7 April 1965; Whitaker interview.X
- Rector to Grumman, Attn.: Mullaney, “Test Program Review,” 7 April 1965; Maynard memos, “LEM Test Program Requirements Review,” 27 April 1965, with enc., and “Plan for the LEM Test Requirements Review,” 15 July 1965, with enc.; Young memo, “LEM Subsystem Development Test Logic Reorientation/Certification Test Program Requirements Review,” 15 July 1965; Shea, Weekly Activity Report, 25-31 July 1965; MSC, “Presentation to the Subcommittee on Manned Space Flight, Committee on Science and Astronautics, House of Representatives,” February 1966, p. 15; Grumman Report no. 27, LPR-10-43, 10 May 1965, p. 1.X
- Calvin H. Perrine to Asst. Mgr., ASPO, “LEM Structural dynamic analysis and test program,” 21 Sept. 1965, with encs.; MSC, “Presentation to the Subcommittee,” p. 15.X
- Lee memo, “Apollo Mission 206A (LEM Only Mission),” 8 Jan. 1965; SED, MSC, “Mission Requirements for Apollo Spacecraft Development Mission 206A (LEM 1),” MSC Internal Note 65-PL-1, Rev. A, 11 May 1965; Young TWX to Grumman, Attn.: Mullaney, “Mission Requirements for Apollo Spacecraft Development Mission 206A . . .,” 2 June 1965.X
- Lee memo, “ASPO Action Items from the MSF Program Review, April 20,” 21 April 1965; William M. Speier to Edward B. Hamblett, Jr., “[Systems Engineering] efforts regarding integration of GSE with CSM and LEM vehicles,” 22 March 1965; LEM CEB, “Accomplishments,” 2-1 April 1965.X
- Perrine memo, “Trip to GAEC, May 13 and 14, 1965.” 17 May 1965; Shea, Weekly Activity Report, 6-12 June 1965; Young to Grumman, Attn.: Mullaney, “Requirements for GAEC substitute hardware on Saturn Apollo Missions 501 and 502,” 9 July 1965; Grumman Report no. 31, LPR-10-47, 10 Sept. 1965, p. 1; Perrine memo, 21 Sept. 1965; James L. Neal to Grumman, Attn.: John C. Snedeker, “Substitute hardware on Saturn Apollo Mission 501 and 502 (Action Item L-17),” 18 Oct. 1965; Shea to NASA Hq., Attn.: Phillips, “Deletion of TM-5 from LEM Ground Test Program,” 23 Dec. 1965.X
- Shea to Grumman, Attn.: Mullaney, “LEM Development Program Requirements,” 15 July 1965; Shea to LEM Subsystem Mgrs., “Subsystem Qualification and Delivery Schedules,” 31 July 1965; Duncan to Mgr., ASPO, “Subsystem Qualification and Delivery Schedules,” 23 Aug. 1965; Shea memo, “Subsystem qualification and delivery schedules for Block II,” 23 Aug. 1965; LEM CEB, “Accomplishments,” 1 Sept. 1965; Sullivan to Stoops and Young, “Manufacturing Problems with the LEM ECS,” 11 Aug. 1965; Young TWX to Grumman, Attn.: Mullaney, 16 Aug. 1965; Sullivan to Richard E. Mayo, “Comments on Hamilton Standard’s Manufacturing Effort on the LEM ECS,” 1 Sept. 1965.X
- Rector to LEM Apollo Procurement, “Review of GAEC Subcontract No. 2-24485-c with STL, Abort Guidance Section,” 24 Feb. 1965; Markley memo, “Assignment of Chief, LEM Contract Engineering Branch and Chief, G&N/ACE Contract Engineering Branch, Apollo Spacecraft Program Office,” 4 May 1965; Young TWX to Grumman, Attn.: Mullaney, 13 Aug. 1965.X
- Senate Committee on Aeronautics and Space Sciences, NASA Authorization for Fiscal Year 1966: Hearings on S. 927, 89th Cong., 1st sess., 1965, p. 840; Church to Chief, PCD, “Major NAA/GAEC Subcontractors - Cost Comparisons,” 8 Jan. 1965.X
- William D. Putnam, NASA Historical Staff, notes on interview of Robert C. Seamans, Jr., 20 July 1967; S. Peter Kaprielyan, “NASA Management at the Crossroads,” Aerospace Management 1 (Summer 1966): 8-9; House Committee on Science and Astronautics, 1965 NASA Authorization: Hearings on H.R. 9641 (Superseded by H.R. 10456), 88th Cong., 2nd sess., 1964, pp. 59-60.X
- Church to Chief, PCD, “Potential Apollo Incentive Contracting,” 30 Oct. 1964; Mueller to MSFC and MSC, Attn.: von Braun and Robert R. Gilruth, “Prenegotiation Arrangements for Incentive Conversions of Major Systems Contracts,” 8 April 1965; Mueller, “Statement . . . before the Senate Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Monday, June 12, 1967,” pp. 1-2; Quarterly Activity Report, 31 July 1965, p. 25; “LEM 1965 Program Review Implementation Plan, January 30, 1965,” MSC, pp. 1-3; Markley to LEM Program Review team leaders, “GAEC Program Review,” 15 March 1965.X
- “Statement,” pp. 1-2; Quarterly Activity Report, 31 July 1965, p.25; LEM CEB, “Accomplishments,” 15 and 19 May 1965; E. Clinton Towl to MSC, Attn.: Neal, “Negotiation of Contract Change Proposals,” 17 June 1965; Young memo, “Telecon from Mr. John Snedeker to Messrs. Wayne Young and Tom Markley on June 17, 1965, regarding GAEC position on CCA Negotiations,” 13 July 1965; Young to LEM Subsystem Mgrs., “LEM Contract Status,” 26 July 1965.X
- Markley memo, “Technical Support for LEM Incentive Contract Negotiations,” 5 Nov. 1965; Neal TWX to Grumman, Attn.: Snedeker, 15 Dec. 1965; MSC news release 66-14, 15 Feb. 1966; NASA, “Apollo Spacecraft Major Contract Is Converted,” news release 66-15, 21 Jan. 1966.X
- Richard S. Johnston to Shea, “Block II Apollo suit program,” 7 and 25 Jan. 1965; Johnston to Gen. Research Procurement Br., Attn.: Ace C. Wilder, Jr., “Apollo EMU procurement package,” 2 March 1965, with encs., esp. enc. B, “EMU Program Plan and EMU Statement of Work Bidding Instructions”; Gilruth to Chief, Procurement and Contracts Div., “Justification for noncompetitive procurement,” 2 March 1965; Shea to NASA Hq., Attn.: Mueller, “Extravehicular Mobility Unit subcontractor change,” 18 March 1965; Faget to Mgr., ASPO, “Crew Systems Division recommendation on establishment of suit wear criterion,” 18 March 1965; Slayton to Chief, Crew Systems Div., “Apollo Suit Critique, CM CDR April 26-29, 1965,” 11 May 1965; Melvyn Savage to Dir., Apollo Prog., “Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Development,” 10 Sept. 1965; Gilruth to NASA Hq., Attn.: Mueller, “Procurement plan for the Apollo Extravehicular Mobility Unit and EMU ground support equipment development and fabrication,” 20 Sept. 1965.X
- Savage to Dir. Apollo Program, 10 Sept. 1965; Gilruth to NASA Hq., 20 Sept. 1965; NASA, “NASA to Negotiate for Apollo Suit, Support System,” news release 65-346, 5 Nov. 1965.X
- Robert B. Voas to Gilruth, 6 May 1963, with enc., Voas, “A Proposal for the Selection of Potential Scientist Crew Members,” 25 April 1963; Voas for Dir., MSC, “Meeting with Drs. Eugene Shoemaker, Joseph Shea, and Mr. George Low regarding scientist-astronaut selection on September 4, 1963,” 13 Sept. 1963, With enc.X
- Homer E. Newell to Harry H. Hess, 16 April 1964; Newell to Hess and Frederick Seitz, 19 Aug. 1964; Newell to Gilruth, 19 Aug. 1964, with enc., “Suggested Public Announcement of the Scientist-Astronaut Program”; NASA, “NASA to Select Scientist-Astronauts for Future Missions,” news release 64-248, 19 Oct. 1964, and “NASA Reports Some 900 Persons Interested in Scientist-Astronaut Program,” news release 64-315, 16 Dec. 1964; Gilruth to NASA Hq., Attn.: Mueller, “Astronaut selection,” 6 Jan. 1965, with encs., “Schedule of Astronaut Selection” and “Pilot Selection Criteria”; idem, “Selection of scientists astronaut candidates,” 4 Feb. 1965; MSC, “Astronaut Selection and Training,” NASA Facts [1971].X
- NASA, “NASA Selects Six Scientists-Astronauts for Apollo Program,” news release 65-212, 28 June 1965; MSC, “Scientist Astronaut Press Conference,” 29 June 1965.X
- Gilruth letter, 6 Jan. 1965; Mueller to Gilruth, 25 Jan.1965; MSC, "NASA to Select Additional Pilot-Astronauts," news release 65-79, 10 Sept. 1965.X
- John Beltz, Roger Bilstein, and Mitchell Sharpe, “The Saturn Project: A Technological History of the Apollo Saturn Launch Vehicles,” comment ed., 2 Jan. 1973, pp. 676-720; Lee B. James memos, “Project Name for MMC,” 3 and 13 Aug. 1964; Perrine to Maynard, “Meteoroid protection for LEM and Block II,” 28 Aug. 1964; Shea to NASA Hq., Attn.: Mueller, “Apollo spacecraft requirements for definition of the micrometeoroid hazard,” 15 March 1965.X
- Leo L. Jones and A. Ruth Jarrell, “History of the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, from January 1 through December 31, 1965,” 1, April 1968, pp. 32-33; NASA, “Project: Pegasus-Saturn I,” press kit, news release 65-38, 11 Feb. 1965; Edward R. Mathews TWX to NASA Hq. et al., “SA-9 Apollo Flash Report No. 1,” 17 Feb. 1965; Mueller and Raymond L. Bisplinghoff to Admin., NASA, “Pegasus A/SA-9 Saturn I Flight Mission, Post Launch Report No. 1,” 19 Feb. 1965, with enc.; NASA, “Pegasus I Relays Data on Meteoroid Hazards in Space,” news release 65-68, 26 Feb. 1965; NASA, “Project: Pegasus II (SA-8),” press kit, news release 65-151, 6 May 1965; Mueller and Bisplinghoff to Admin., NASA, “Pegasus II/SA-8 Saturn I Flight Mission, Post Launch Report No. 1,” 21 June 1965, with enc.; NASA, “Project: Pegasus C,” press kit, news release 65-232, 14 July 1965; “Pegasus III Launch Caps NASA’s Saturn I Program,” NASA news release 65-253, 30 July 1965; Mueller and Bisplinghoff to Admin., NASA, “Pegasus III/SA-10 Saturn I Flight Mission Post Launch Report No. 1,” 16 Aug. 1965, with enc.X
- R. Cargill Hall, Project Ranger: A Chronology, JPL/HR-2 (Washington, 1971), pp. 531-32; G. P. Callas to Maynard, Robert E. Vale, and John E. Dornbach, “Bellcomm report, ‘Ranger VII Photo Analysis - Preliminary Measurements of Apollo Landing Hazards’ C. J. Byrne,” 22 April 1965, with enc., Bellcomm technical memorandum 65-1012-2, subj. as stated; NASA, “Project: Rangers C & D,” press kit, news release 65-25, 4 Feb. 1965; NASA, “Ranger IX to Send World’s First Live Moon Photos,” news release 65-96, 23 March 1965.X
- A. A. Leonov, “The First Egress of Man into Space,” paper presented at XVIth International Astronautics Congress, Athens, 13-18 Sept. 1965, NASA TT F-9727, October 1965; Barton C. Hacker and James M. Grimwood, On the Shoulders of Titans: A History of Project Gemini, NASA SP-4203 (Washington, 1977), chaps. X, XI; Hugh L. Dryden, “Significance of Gemini V Accomplishments,” Cabinet report to the President, 11 Sept. 1965.X
- Hacker and Grimwood, On the Shoulders of Titans, chap. XII; Jerome C. Hunsaker and Robert C. Seamans, Jr., Hugh Latimer Dryden, 1891-1965, reprinted from Biographical Memoirs 40 (New York and London, 1969).X
- Ohlsson to Chief, SED, “Block I extra-vehicular activity,” 15 April 1965; Lanzkron to Chief, SED, “EVA requirements for -012,” 22 June 1965; Maynard to Lanzkron, “EVA in Block I,” 29 July 1965; Olin E. Teague to James E. Webb, 18 Aug. 1965; Webb to Teague, 10 Sept. 1965.X
- Howard W. Tindall, Jr., to Chief, Mission Planning and Analysis Div., “Can Gemini contribute to Apollo?” 8 Jan. 1965; Church to Chief, PCD, “Program Control Operations Research,” 25 Jan. 1965; Perrine to Chief, SED, “Gemini Ground Test Program Experience,” 29 Nov. 1965; Duncan to Mgr., ASPO, “Air Force Gemini Space Sextant,” 15 Feb. 1965; Lanzkron to Chief, Flight Crew Support Div., “Debriefing of GT-4 flight crew,” 13 July 1965; Joseph P. Loftus, Jr., to Helmut A. Kuehnel, “Questions for GT-5 debriefing,” 17 Aug. 1965; H. B. Graham, “Spacecraft Checkout: Apollo vs Gemini,” 16 Feb. 1966.X
- MSC, “Postlaunch Report for Apollo Mission A-003 (BP-22),” MSC-A-R-65-2, 28 June 1965; Mueller to Admin., NASA, “Apollo Spacecraft Flight Abort Test, Mission A-003, Post Launch Report No. 1,” 24 May 1965, with enc.; “Apollo Abort System Dramatically Tested,” North American’s Skywriter, 21 May 1965.X
- MSC, “Postlaunch Report for Apollo Mission PA-2 (BP-23A),” MSC-A-R-65-3, 29 July 1965; Mueller to Admin., NASA, “Apollo Spacecraft Pad Abort Test, Mission PA-2, Post Launch Report No. 1,” 2 July 1965, with enc.X
- Astronautics and Aeronautics, 1965: Chronology on Science, Technology, and Policy, NASA SP-4006 (Washington, 1966), pp. 188, 198, 368, 373.X
- Maynard to Mgr., ASPO, “Apollo Radiation Reliability Goals,” 14 Jan. 1965; Gilruth to C. Gordon Little, 27 July 1965; Little to Gilruth, 6 Aug. 1965; Adm. W. Fred Boone memo for record, “Meeting to Discuss an Air Weather Service Plan for a Solar Observing and Forecasting Network,” 16 Aug. 1965; Henry E. Clements to Asst. Dir., Flight Ops., “Status of Solar Particle Alert Network (SPAN),” 17 Aug. 1965; Arthur Reetz, Jr., ed., Second Symposium on Protection against Radiations in Space, NASA SP-71 (Washington, 1965), held in Gatlinburg, Tenn., 12-14 Oct. 1964; Reetz and Keran O’Brien, eds., Protection against Space Radiation: The Proceedings of the Special Session on Protection against Space Radiation, presented at the thirteenth annual meeting of the American Nuclear Society, San Diego, California, June 11-15, 1967, NASA SP-169 (ANS-SD-5) (Washington, 1968).X
- M. Scott Carpenter, recorder, minutes of MSC Senior Staff Meeting, 26 Feb. 1965, p. 2; Maynard to Asst. Mgr., ASPO, “Lunar Surface Contamination,” 14 Sept. 1965; Young TWX to Grumman, Attn.: Mullaney, 30 Nov. 1965; Johnston to Mgr., Gemini Prog. Office, and Chief, Center Medical Off., “Biologic contamination of the lunar surface,” 14 Dec. 1965; William E. Stoney, Jr., to Chief, Eng. Div., “Support information for FY 67 C of F Project - Lunar Sample Receiving Laboratory,” 30 July 1965; Orr E. Reynolds memo for record, “Summary of meeting between representatives of [NASA] and the Public Health Service, July 31, 1965,” 17 Aug. 1965; James C. McClane, Jr., memo for record, “Funding for development contracts necessary for Lunar Sample Receiving Laboratory,” 24 Sept. 1965, with enc.; Walter W. Kemmerer, Jr., and Elbert A. King memo for record, “Summary of a meeting between representatives of [NASA], Public Health Service and the Department of Agriculture, MSC, Houston, Texas, September 17, 1965,” 30 Sept. 1965; Lawrence B. Hall memo for Dir., Manned Space Flight Prog. Control, “Quarantine Requirements - Lunar Landing Program,” 4 Nov. 1965; Low [Faget] draft letter to Lt. Gen. Frank A. Bogart, 5 Nov. 1965; Webb to William H. Stewart, 20 Nov. 1965; Slayton to E&D, Attn.: McClane, “Lunar Sample Receiving Laboratory,” 20 Nov. 1965; Col. Jack Bollerud to Dir., MSF Field Center Development, “Public Health Service Proposed Congressional Statement in Support of NASA Lunar Sample Receiving Laboratory,” 14 Feb. 1966, with enc.; Bogart TWX to MSC, 1 July 1966; Senate Committee on Appropriations’ Subcommittee, Independent Offices Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1967: Hearings on H.R. 14921, 89th Cong., 2nd sess., 1966, pp. 839-40; McClane et al., “The Lunar Receiving Laboratory,” MSC brochure, 25 Oct. 1966.X
- NASA, “Apollo Site Selection Board,” Management Instruction (NMI) 1152.20, 6 Aug. 1965; Gilruth to NASA Hq., Attn.: Mueller, “Establishment of Apollo Site Selection Board,” 29 July 1965; Newell to MSC, Attn.: Gilruth, “Members of Ad Hoc Surveyor Orbiter Utilization Committee.” 22 June 1965; Gilruth to NASA Hq., Attn.: Newell, subj. as above, 29 July 1965; Gilruth to Mueller, 5 Aug. 1965; NASA, “NASA Selects 10 Potential Photo Areas for Lunar Orbiter,” news release 65-335, 20 Oct. 1965.X
- Allan E. Gamble, “Terrestrial, Lunar, and Celestial Companions: The Support of Manned Spaceflight by Computers” (term paper, University of Houston, 1 May 1972); MSC, “Statement of Work for Real Time Computer Complex,” May 1963; NASA, “Mission Control Center at Houston to Handle GT-4, Subsequent Manned Flights,” news release 65-119, 9 April 1965; Earl D. Hilburn for Assoc. Admin. for Manned Space Flights, “Computing Equipment Requirements,” 14 July 1965; Everett E. Christensen to James C. Elms, “Effect of Further Delay in RTCC Computer Decision,” 27 Sept. 1965; Seamans to Assoc. Admin., OMSF, “RTCC Computer Requirements for Project Apollo,” 7 Oct. 1965; Mueller to Gilruth, 21 Oct. 1965, with enc.. Seamans to Assoc. Admin., OMSF, “Procurement Plan for Revision of Real-Time Computer Complex, MSC,” 19 Oct. 1965.X
- Gamble, “Terrestrial, Lunar, and Celestial Companions,” pp. 9-15; Shea to NASA Hq., Attn.: Phillips, “Summary report of the Apollo guidance computer failure history,” 21 June 1965, with enc.; North American Space Div., Public Relations Dept., Apollo Spacecraft News Reference, rev. ed. (Downey, Calif., 1969), p. 244.X
- House Committee on Science and Astronautics, Subcommittee on NASA Oversight, Pacing Systems of the Apollo Program: Staff Study, 89th Cong., 1st sess., 1965, pp. 1, 6, 11, 12.X
- Maj. Gen. David M. Jones to Apollo Executives, "Apollo Applications Goals," 22 Nov. 1965.X