Primary Sources: Apollo Plans, Procedures, Working Papers
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Casey, Frank W., Jr., and Maynard, Owen E. "A Hypothetical Model of the Lunar Surface for the Engineering Design of Terminal Touchdown Systems." Apollo Working Paper 1033. Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, 30 Nov. 1961.
Cherne, Jack M. "Mechanical Design of the Lunar Module Descent Engine." Paper presented at the 18th International Astronautical Congress, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 24-30 Sept. 1967
Cohen, Aaron. "Powered Flight Steering and Control of Apollo Spacecraft." Paper presented to Northrop Nortronics Society of Automotive Engineers Committee, Houston, 11-13 Dec.
Dahlen, J. M.; Felleman, P. G.; Goss, R. D.; Sears, N. E.; Trageser, M. B.; and White, R. L "Guidance and Navigation System for Lunar Excursion Module." MIT R-373. Cambridge, Mass., July 1962.
Davin, Edward M. "Apollo Lunar Science Program: Report of Planning Teams." NASA, Washington, December 1964.
Draper, C. S. "The Evolution of Aerospace Guidance Technology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1935-1951." Paper presented at the 5th IAA History Symposium, Brussels, Belgium, 19-25 Sept. 1971.
Ellis, Wilbert E., and Norris, D. William, Jr. "Lunar Excursion Module Environmental and Thermal Control System Optimization." Apollo Working Paper 1102. Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, 8 Jan. 1964.
Ferguson, Richard B. "Propulsion Requirements for Lunar Landing Missions Employing a Detachable Lunar Lander." Apollo Working Paper 1038. Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, 19 Dec. 1961.
General Electric Co., Apollo Support Dept. "Study of the Postlanding Tilt Angle of the LEM." TIR 545-S64-03-00. Houston, 21 May 1964.
Gilruth, Robert R., and Faget, Maxime A. "The Manned Lunar Mission." Paper presented before the American Rocket Society, Cleveland, Ohio, 17-19 July 1962.
- - - -, and McMillion, L. N. "Man’s Role in Apollo." Paper presented at Institute of the Aerospace Sciences Man-Machine Competition Meeting, Seattle, Wash., 10-11 Aug. 1962.
Haines, C. Dale, and Taylor, J. T. "Considerations toward the Selection of Electrical Power Systems and Thermal Control Systems for the Lunar Excursion Module."
Apollo Working Paper 1055. Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, 18 Dec. 1962.
Kehlet, Alan B.: Smith, Richard F.: Mayo, Edward E.; and Canady, Tohn E., Tr. "A Preliminary Study of a Fin-Stabilized Solid-Fuel Rocket Booster for Use with the Apollo Spacecraft."
Apollo Working Paper 1020. Space Task Group, Hampton, Va., 7 June 1961.
- - - -, Franklin, M. R.; McMillion, L. N.; Winterhalter, D. L.; Reed, J. D. "Notes on Project Apollo: January 1960-January 1962." Manned Spacecraft Center, Hampton, Va. [sic, 8 Jan. 1962.
Kelly, Thomas J. "Apollo Lunar Module Mission and Development Status." Paper presented at AIAA Fourth Annual Meeting and Technical Display, Anaheim, Calif., 23-27 Oct. 1967.
- - - -, "Technical Development Status of the Project Apollo Lunar Excursion Module." Paper presented at 10th Annual Meeting, American Astronautical Society, New York, 4-7 May 1964.
Mason, Robert M. "A Preliminary Analysis of the Effects of Exhaust Impingement on the Lunar Surface during the Terminal Phases of Lunar Landing." Apollo Working Paper 1052. Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, 21 Dec. 1962.
Maynard, Owen E. "A General Description of the Lunar Excursion Vehicle’s Systems for Excursions from Lunar Orbit to Lunar Landing and Back to Lunar Orbit. Apollo Working Paper 1028. Space Task Group, Hampton, Va., 29 Sept. 1961.
National Academy of Sciences, Space Science Board. "Man’s Role in the National Space Program." Washington, March 1961.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Office of Manned Space Flight. "Apollo Configuration Management Manual." NPC 500-1. Washington, November 1964. Also NHB 8040.2, January 1970.
- - - -, "Apollo Flight Missions Assignments." Program Directive M-D E 8000.005A. 9 April 1963.
- - - -, "Apollo Program Development Plan." NC C500, MA 001000-1. 15 Jan. 1965.
- - - -, "Apollo System Specification." Program Directive MD M 8000.001. 2 May 1963.
NASA. Manned Spacecraft Center. "Apollo Lunar Landing Mission Symposium: Proceedings and Compilation of Papers." Houston, 25-27 June 1966.
"Apollo Site Selection Board Briefings: Compilation of Presentation Material." 15 Dec. 1967.
- - - -, "Command and Service Module Test Program through the First Manned Apollo Mission." 15 July 1963.
- - - -, "Lunar Landing Site Selection Briefing, March 8, 1967: Compilation of Presentation Material." 1967.
- - - -, "Major Test Facilities of the Engineering and Development Directorate." April 1965
- - - -, Flight Operations Div. "Manned Spacecraft Center Apollo Program Development Plan." January 1966.
NASA, Space Task Group. "A General Description of the Apollo ‘Bug’ Systems." Hampton, Va., 11 Sept. 1961.
Reid. Richard. "Simulation and Evaluation of Landing Gear Probe for Sensing Engine Cutoff During Landing." MSC Internal Note MSC-IN-65-EG-10. Houston, 15 March 1965.
Strass. H. Kurt. "A Lunar Landing Concept." In Strass, ed.,
"Project Apollo Space Task Group Study Report, February 15, 1961." • Apollo Working Paper 1015. Space Task Group, Hampton, Va., 21 April 1961.
Trageser, Milton B., and Hoag, David G. "Apollo Spacecraft Guidance System." MIT-IL R495. Paper presented at the IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in the Peaceful Uses of Space, Stavanger, Norway, June 1965.
US. Air Force Systems Command. "Configuration Management during the Definition and Acquisition Phases" 375-1. June 1962 (rev. June 1964)