George E. Mueller to Director, Manned Spacecraft Center, et al., “Revised Manned Space Flight Schedule,” 31 October 1963

In the fall of 1963, as this document shows, the Deputy Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight made a decision to drop the traditional step-by-step flight tests of rockets and spacecraft components in the interest of speeding the development process. Instead, George Mueller told NASA engineers to assemble all the stages of the Saturn V rocket along with the command and service module and conduct just two or three non-piloted test flights of the whole system. This decision became known as the “All-Up” test procedure. It accelerated the program by at least several months, paying off on 9 November 1967 when NASA successfully launched an "all-up" Saturn/Apollo vehicle.

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M-C M 9330.186

TO: Director, Manned Spacecraft Center

Houston 1, Texas

Director, Launch Operations Center

Cocoa Beach, Florida

Director, Marshall Space Flight Center

Huntsville, Alabama

FROM: Deputy Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight

SUBJECT: Revised Manned Space Flight Schedule

Recent schedule and budget reviews have resulted in a deletion of the Saturn I manned flight program and realignment of schedules and flight mission assignments on the Saturn IB and Saturn V programs. It is my desire at this time to plan a flight schedule which has a good probability of being met or exceeded. Accordingly, I am proposing that a flight schedule such as shown in Figure 1, with slight adjustments as required to prevent “stack-up”, be accepted as the official launch schedule. Contractor schedules for spacecraft and launch vehicle deliveries should be as shown in Figure 2. This would allow actual flights to take place several months earlier than the official schedule. The period after checkout at the Cape and prior to the official launch date should be designated the “Space Vehicle Acceptance” period. With regard to flight missions for Saturn I, MSC should indicate when they will be in a position to propose a firm mission and spacecraft configuration for SA-10. MSFC should indicate the cost of a meteoroid payload for that flight. SA-6 through SA-9 missions should remain as presently defined.

It is my desire that “all-up” spacecraft and launch vehicle flights be made as early as possible in the program. To this end, SA-201 and 501 should utilize all live stages and should carry complete spacecraft for their respective missions. SA-501 and 502 missions should be reentry tests of the spacecraft at lunar return velocity. It is recognized that the Saturn IB flights will have CM/SM and CM/SM/LEM configurations.

Mission planning should consider that two successful flights would be made prior to a manned flight. Thus, 203 could conceivably be the first manned Apollo flight. However, the official schedule would show the first manned flight as 207, with flights 203-206 designated as “man-rating” flights. A similar philosophy would apply to Saturn V for “man-rating” flights with 507 shown as the first manned flight.

I would like your assessment of the proposed schedule, including any effect on resource requirements in FY 1964, 1965 and run-out by November 11, 1963. My goal is to have an official schedule reflecting the philosophy outlined here by November 25, 1963.

George M. Low

George E. Mueller

Deputy Associate Administrator

for Manned Space Flight


Figure 1

Figure 2


Saturn I

SA-5 Veh. Dev. Dec. 1963
SA-6 Apollo B/P Apr. 1964
SA-7 Apollo B/P Aug. 1964
SA-9 Meteoroid Dec. 1964
SA-8 Meteoroid Apr. 1965
SA-10 Undetermined Aug. 1965

Saturn I-B

SA-201 CM/SM Jan. 1966
SA-202 CM/SM Apr. 1966
SA-203 CM/SM/LEM Jul. 1966
SA-204 " " Oct. 1966
SA-205 " " Dec. 1966
SA-206 " " Feb. 1967
SA-207 Manned Apr. 1967
SA-208 " " Jun. 1967
SA-209 " " Aug. 1967
SA-210 " " Oct. 1967
SA-211 " " Dec. 1967
SA-212 " " Feb. 1968

Saturn V

SA-501 "All-Up" Vehicle and S/C Re-entry Jan. 1967
SA-502 " " Apr. 1967
SA-503 Lunar Mission Conf. Jul. 1967
SA-504 " " Oct. 1967
SA-505 " " Dec. 1967
SA-506 " " Feb. 1968
SA-507 Manned Apr. 1968
SA-508 " " Jun. 1968
SA-509 " " Aug. 1968
SA-510 " " Oct. 1968
SA-511 " " Dec. 1968
SA-512 " " Feb. 1969
SA-513 " " Apr. 1969
SA-514 " " Jun. 1969
SA-515 " " Aug. 1969


Latest Allowable Deliveries

SA-5 Delivered Delivered
SA-6 Jan. 1964 Jan. 1964
SA-7 May 1964 May 1964
SA-9 Sep. 1964 Sep. 1964
SA-8 Dec. 1964 Dec. 1964
SA-10 Feb. 1965 Undetermined


SA-201 Aug. 1965 Jun. 1965
SA-202 Nov. 1965 Sep. 1965
SA-203 Feb. 1966 Dec. 1965
SA-204 May 1966 Mar. 1966
SA-205 Jul. 1966 May 1966
SA-206 Sep. 1966 Jul. 1966
SA-207 Nov. 1966 Sep. 1966
SA-208 Jan. 1967 Nov. 1966
SA-209 Mar. 1967 Jan. 1967
SA-210 May 1967 Mar. 1967
SA-211 Jul. 1967 May 1967
SA-212 Sep. 1967 Jul. 1967


SA-501 Jun. 1966 May 1966
SA-502 Oct. 1966 Aug. 1966
SA-503 Jan. 1967 Nov. 1966
SA-504 Apr. 1967 Feb. 1967
SA-505 Jun. 1967 Apr. 1967
SA-506 Aug. 1967 Jun. 1967
SA-507 Oct. 1967 Aug. 1967
SA-508 Dec. 1967 Oct. 1967
SA-509 Feb. 1968 Dec. 1967
SA-510 Apr. 1968 Feb. 1968
SA-511 Jun. 1968 Apr. 1968
SA-512 Aug. 1968 Jun. 1968
SA-513 Oct. 1968 Aug. 1968
SA-514 Dec. 1968 Oct. 1968
SA-515 Feb. 1969 Dec. 1968