Table A - General

Item Mission
Spacecraft No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Launch weight (lb.) 7026 6882 7111 7879 7947 7817 8076 8351 8268 8295 8374 8296
Launch vehicle GLV-1 GLV-2 GLV-3 GLV-4 GLV-5 GLV-6 GLV-7 GLV-8 GLV-9 GLV-10 GLV-11 GLV-12
Flight crew
Command pilot Unmanned Unmanned Grissom McDivitt Cooper Schirra Borman Armstrong Stafford** Young Conrad Lovell
Pilot Young White Conrad Stafford Lovell Scott Cernan** Collins Gordon Aldrin
Backup crew
Command pilot Schirra Borman Armstrong Grissom White Conrad Lovell Bean Armstrong Cooper
Pilot Stafford Lovell See Young Collins Gordon Aldrin Williams Anders Cernan
Launch date Apr. 8, 1964 Jan. 19, 1965 Mar. 23, 1965 June 3, 1965 Aug. 21, 1965 Dec. 15, 1965 Dec. 4, 1965 Mar. 16, 1966 June 3, 1966 July 18, 1966 Sept. 12, 1966 Nov. 1, 1966
Time (e.s.t.) 11:00:01 a.m. 9:03:59 a.m. 9:24:00 a.m. 10:15:59 a.m. 8:59:59 a.m. 8:37:26 a.m. 2:30:03 p.m. 11:41:02 a.m. 8:39:33 a.m. 5:20:26 p.m. 9:42:26 a.m. 3:46:33 p.m.
Launch azimuth 72° 105° 72° 72° 72° 81.4° 83.6° 99.9° 87.4° 98.8° 99.9° 100.6°
At insertion
Apogee (n.m.) 173.0 92.4*** 121.0 152.2 188.9 140.0 177.1 146.7 144.0 145.1 150.6 146.1
Perigee (n.m.) 86.6 87.0./td> 87.6 87.4 86.9 87.2 86.3 85.7 86.3 86.6 86.8
Period (min.) 89.3 88.3 88.90 89.59 87.92 89.39 88.83 88.78 88.79 88.99 88.87
Inclination angle 32.59° 32.6° 32.53° 32.59° 28.97° 28.89° 29.07° 28.91° 28.87° 28.85° 28.87°
At retrofire
Revolution 3 62 120 16 206 7 45 43 44 59
Apogee (n.m.) 136.5 154.8 168.1 163.6 161.3 155.5 215.5 163.0 155.0
Perigee (n.m.) 86.1 106.0 153.0 156.5 157.5 143.8 157.9 151.0 140.8
Period (min.) 88.53 89.32 90.54 90.57 90.55 90.19 91.48 90.38 90.06
Inclination angle 32.53° 32.61° 28.89° 28.89° 29.02° 28.91° 28.87° 28.84° 28.87°
Highest apogee (n.m.) 121.0 159.9 188.9 168.1 177.1 161.3 168.2 412.2 739.2 162.7
Lowest perigee (n.m.) 85.6 86.1 87.4 86.9 87.2 86.3 85.7 86.3 86.6 86.8
G.E.T. to OAMS preretro (hr; min: sec) 4:21:23 97:28:02
Orbits to retrofire None Suborbital 3.1 66.1 127.7 16.8 219.7 6.7 47.6 45.5 47.1 62.3
G.E.T. to retrofire (hr; min; sec) 00:06:54 4:33:23 97:40:01 190:27:43 25:15:58 329:58:04 10:04:47 71:46:44 70:10:24 70:41:36 93:59:58
G.E.T. to touchdown (hr; min; sec) 00:18:16 452:31 97:56:12 190:55:14 25:51:24 330:35:01 10:41:26 72:20:50 70:46:39 71:17:08 94:34:31
Landing coordinates
Lat 16°36' N 22°26 N 27°44' N 29°44' N 23° 35' N 25° 25' 01" N 25° 13' 08" N 27° 52' N 26° 14' 07" N 24° 15' 04" N 24° 35' N
Long 49°46' W 70°51' W 74°11' W 69°45' W 67° 50' W 70° 06' 07" W 136° E 75° 00' 04" W 71° 57' W 70° W 69° 57' W
Landing accuracy (n.m. from, planned landing point) 60 44 91 7 6.4 1.1 0.38 3.4 2.65 2.6
RECOVERY Mid-Atlantic W/Atlantic W/Atlantic W/Atlantic W/Atlantic W/Atlantic W/Pacific W/Atlantic W/Atlantic W/Atlantic W/Atlantic
Area 4-1 63-1 121-1 17-1 207-1 7-3 46-1 44-1 45-1 60-1A
Status Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Secondary Primary Primary Primary Primary
Ship, U.S.S. Lake Champlain Intrepid Wasp Lake Champlain Wasp Wasp Mason Wasp Guadalcanal Guam Wasp
Date Jan. 19, 1965 Mar. 23, 1965 June 7, 1965 Aug. 29, 1965 Dec. 16, 1965 Dec. 18, 1965 Mar. 17, 1966 June 6, 1966 July 21, 1966 Sept. 15, 1966 Nov. 15, 1966
Time (e.s.t.)
Crew 3:28 p.m. 1:09 p.m. 9:26 a.m. 11:32 a.m. 9:37 a.m. 1:28 a.m. 9:53 a.m. 4:34 p.m. 9:23 a.m. 2:49 p.m.
Spacecraft 10:52 a.m. 5:03 p.m. 2:28 p.m. 11:50 a.m. 11:32 a.m. 10:08 a.m. 1:37 a.m. 9:53 a.m. 5:01 p.m. 9:58 a.m. 3:28 p.m.

* Mission 6 scrubbed; Mission 9 scrubbed.

** Stafford and Cernan, backup crew for Gemini 9, became prime crew.

*** Apogee only (suborbital).

Table B - Orbital Operations

Mission Target Vehicle Target Launch Vehicle Launch Type of Activity Revolutions Spacecraft Orbital Parameters Ground Elapsed Time Orbital Parameters After Activity
Date Time (e.s.t.) Azimuth (deg.) Apogee (n.m.) Perigee (n.m.) Period (min.) Inclination angle (deg.) To begin (hr:min:sec) Period (hr:min:sec) Apogee (n.m.) Perigee (n.m.) Period (min.) Inclination angle (deg.)
VI GATV-5002 TLV-5301 Oct. 25. 1965 10:00:04.490 a.m. 85.7 GATV falled to achieve orbit - - - - - - - - - -
VI-A S/C 7 (See Table A) - - - - Coelliptical rendezvous 4 161.9 156.3 90.55 28.89 - - - - - -
Station keeping - - - - - 5:56:00 5:17:29 - - - -
VIII GATV-5003 TLV-5302 Mar. 16, 1966 10:00:03.127 a.m. 84. 4 Coelliptical rendezvous 4 - - - - - - 161.1 158.6 90.55 29.02
Docking 4 - - - - 6:33:22 0:41:50 - - - -
IX GATV-5003 TLV-5302 May 17, 1966 10:15:03.122 a.m. 83.9 GATV falled to achieve orbit - - - - - - - - - - -
IX-A ATDA TLV-5304 June 1, 1966 10:00:02.363 a.m. 83.8 Coelliptical rendezvous 3 148.0 145.2 90.07 28.91 - - - - - -
Station keeping - - - - - 4:15:00 0:46:00 - - - -
Equi-period rendezvous 4 163.3 156.6 90.49 28.89 - - - - - -
Station keeping - - - - - 6:36:00 0:39:00 - - - -
Rendezvous from above 12 to 15 168.2 166.4 90.81 28.91 - - 160.3 156.8 90.51 28.91
Station keeping - - - - - 24:42:00 1:17:00 - - - -
X GATV-5005 TLV-5305 July 18, 1966 3:39:46.131 p.m. 83.9 Coelliptical rendezvous 4 145.8 143.3 89.88 28.85 - - 161.9 156.5 90.56 28.85
Docking 4 - - - - 5:52:37 38:47:00 - - - -
High-altitude excursion 12 412.2 158.5 95.31 28.88 - - - - - -
Rendezvous 29 209.2 205.9 92.38 28.90 - - 216.0 213.5 92.63 28.91
XI GATV-5006 TLV-5306 Sept. 12, 1966 8:05:01.725 a.m. 83.32 Rendezvous at first apogee 1 - - - - - - 163.1 153.7 90.55 28.85
Docking 1 - - - - 1:34:16 48:20:44 - - - -
High-altitude excursion 26 739.2 156.3 101.52 28.85 - - - - - -
Tethered operations 32 164.0 152.6 90.45 28.88 49:55:00 3:03:00 - - - -
Coincident orbit rendezvous 42 - - - - - - 164.0 155.6 90.45 28.83
XII GATV-5001 TLV-5307 Nov. 11, 1966 2:07:58.688 a.m. 83.3 Coelliptical rendezvous 3 151.7 146.8 90.11 28.88 - - 162.7 156.4 90.50 28.87
Docking 3 - - - - 4:13:53 43:09:24 - - - -
Tethered operations 30 to 33 159.0 140.3 90.14 28.88 47:23:17 4:27:40 - - - -

Table C - Project Gemini Experiments

Experiment Mission
M-1 Cardiovascular conditioning x+  x+ 
M-3 Inflight exerciser x+  x+ x+
M-4 Inflight phonocardiogram x+ x+ x+
M-5 Bio-assays body fluids x+ x+ x+ i x+
M-6 Bone demineralization x+ x+
M-7 Calcium balance study x+
M-8 Inflight sleep analysis x- e
M-9 Human otolith function x+ x+
MSC-1 electrostatic charge x+ x+
MSC-2 Proton electron spectrometer x+ x- f
MSC-3 Tri-axis magnetometer x+ x+ x+ x+
MSC-4 Optical communication x- g
MSC-5 Lunar UV spectral reflectance xo x
MSC-6 Beta spectrometer x+ x- x
MSC-7 Bremsstrlung spectrometer x+ x+
MSC-8 Color patch photography x+
MSC-10 Two-color Earth's limb photography x+
MSC-12 Landmark contrast measurement xo h xo o>
T-1 Reentry communications x+
T-2 Manual navigation sightings x+
D-1 Basic object photography x+
D-2 Nearby object photography xo e
D-3 Mass determination xo i x+ 
D-4 Celestial radiometry x+ x+
D-5 Star occultation navigation xo b x+ 
D-6 Surface photography x+
D-7 Space object radiometry x+ x+
D-8 Radiation in spacecraft x+ x+
D-9 Simple navigation xo b x+
D-10 Ion-sensing attitude control x+ x+
D-12 Astronaut maneuvering unit x- l
D-13 Astronaut visibility xo d x+
D-14 UHF-VHF polarization xo j x- m
D-15 Night image intensification xo j x+
D-16 Power tool evaluation xo j xo q
S-1 Zodiacal light photography x+ xo j x+ x+
S-2 Sea urchin egg growth x- a
S-3 Frog egg growth x- k x+
S-4 Radiation and zero g on blood x+ x+
S-5 Synoptic terrain photography x+ x+ x+ x+ x+ x+ x+
S-6 Synoptic weather photography x+ x+ x+ x+ x+ x+ x+
S-7 Cloud top spectrometer x+ xo j
S-8 Visual acuity x+ x+
S-9 Nuclear emulsion xo j x+
S-10 Agena micrometeorite collection xo j xo n x+ x+
S-11 Airglow horizon photography x+ x- r x+
S-12 Micrometeorite collection x+ xo p x+
S-13 UV astronomical camera x+ x+ xi t
S-26 Ion wake measurement x+ x+
S-29 Librations region photography x+
S-51 Sodium vapor cloud xo u
S-30 Dim light photography/orthicon xo j x+
S-64 Sunrise UV photography xo v
Eclipse photography x- w
  1. Malfunction of instrument handle terminated experiment.
  2. Time hacks not entered on telemetry; positions thus not computable.
  3. Precluded because rendezvous with rendezvous evaluation pod not accomplished
  4. Weather obscuration and spacecraft attitude restrictions.
  5. Accidental removal of all electrodes by command pilot at 55:10 hrs G.E.T.
  6. Intermittent failure of experlmental equipment.
  7. Cloud obscuration and spacecraft attitude restrictions.
  8. Tube failure In D-5 photometer.
  9. Only limited number of samples collected because of early termination of mission.
  10. Precluded by early termination of mission.
  11. Half of inflight part of experlment not performed because of early termination of mission.
  12. AMU evaluation terminated because of astronaut's visor fogging
  13. Insufficient number of data samples drawn.
  14. Data not collected because spacecraft not near augmented target docking adapter during umbilical EVA
  15. Deleted because of limitations on time and fuel supply.
  16. Collection apparatus retrieved but lost by floating out of spacecraft.
  17. EVA terminated after 33 minutes
  18. No high-orbit photographs because or fault in camera magazine.
  19. Experimental equipment failed 5 minutes after experiment began.
  20. Two-thirds of starflelds excluded because of spacecraft/GATV lack of maneuverability,
  21. Camera shutter failure
  22. Static electricity in camera fogged nearly all exposures.
  23. All still-camera film badly overexposed.
  24. Canceled because Moon was out of phase.


x Indicates experlment planned (up to time of liftoff).

+ Indicates experiment performed.

- Indicates experiment only partially completed (with reason listed below).

o Indicates experiment could not be performed (with reason listed below).

Table D - Extravehicular Activity on Gemini Missions

Mission Type Ground Elapsed Time
Cabin pressure to zero (hr:min:sec) Hatch opening (hr:min) Crewman standing (hr:min) Crewman standing outside (hr:min) Crewman standing inside (hr:min) Hatch closing (hr:min) Cabin pressure off zero (hr:min :sec)
IV Umbilical 4:17:36 (T) 4:18 (E) 4:20 (V) 4:30 (V) 4:50 (V) 4:54 (E) 4:56:51 (T)
IX-A Umbilical 49:23:00 (V) 49:23 (V) 49:24 (V) 49:40 (V) 51:26 (V) 51:30 (V) 51:31:00 (V)
X Standup 23:23:26 (T) 23:24 (V) 23:27 (V) 24:13 (V) 24:13:46 (T)
Umbilical 48:40:48 (1) 48:41 (E) 48:42 (V) 48:47 (V) 49:12 (V) 49:20 (E) 49:20:56 (T)
Equipment jettison 50:31:56 (T) 50:33 (E) 50:34 (E) 50:34:48
XI Umbilical 24:02:16 (T) 24:02 (V) 24:03 (V) 24:09 (V) 24:30 (E)* 24:35 (E) 24:36:10 (T)
Equipment jettison 25:36:18 (T) 25:37 (V) 25:39 (V) 25:39:45 (T)
Standup 46:06:11 (T) 46:07 (E) n/a 48:15 (V) 48:16:04 (T)
XII Standup I 19:25:43 (T) 19:29 (V) 19:30 (V) 21:58 (E) 21:58:30 (T)
Umbilical 42:47:31 (T) 42:48 (V) 42:51 (V) 42:52 (V) 44:47 (V) 44:54 (V) 44:56:08 (T)
Standup II 66:05:24 (T) 66:06 (E) 66:08 (V) 67:01 (V) 67:03:03 (T)

*Estimated from comment on tape that the pilot rested for about five minutes.


(T) obtained from telemeter cabin pressure data.

(V) obtained from voice transcriptions (air-ground and onboard recorded).

(E) estimated from above two items.