Appendix 2 - Gemini Program and Mission Objectives
The general objectives of the Gemini program are to develop further operational capability in space and to investigate the problems of working and living in space. The Gemini program consists primarily of development flights, long-duration flights, and rendezvous-development flights. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration assigned certain specific objectives to the Gemini program. These objectives were as follows:
- Subject two men and their supporting equipment to long-duration flights of up to two weeks in space
- Achieve rendezvous and docking with another orbiting vehicle and develop efficient and reliable rendezvous techniques
- Using the target vehicle propulsion system, maneuver the spacecraft in space after docking
- Perform extravehicular activities requiring one of the flight crew to climb out of the spacecraft for short periods of time while in orbit and develop the capability and techniques for extravehicular operations in free space
- Provide a controlled reentry whereby the spacecraft Is brought to a specific landing area
- Provide training for the flight crew members who will fly in the Apollo program
- Perform appropriate engineering and scientific experiments in support of the national space program
Gemini 1
Primary Objectives:
- To demonstrate the Gemini launch vehicle performance and to flight-qualify the vehicle subsystems for future Gemini missions (achieved)
- To determine the exit heating conditions on the spacecraft and launch vehicle (achieved)
- To demonstrate the structural integrity and compatibility of the spacecraft and launch vehicle combination through orbital insertion (achieved)
- To demonstrate the structural integrity of the Gemini spacecraft from launch through orbital insertion (achieved)
- To demonstrate the ability of the Gemini launch vehicle and ground guidance systems to achieve the required orbital insertion conditions (achieved)
- To monitor the switchover circuits as lnRtallt'd on the Gemini launch vehicle and to evaluate their sufficiency for mission requirements (achieved)
- To demonstrate the malfunction detection system (achieved)
Secondary Objectives:
- To evaluate the operational procedures used in establishing the Gemlni launch vehicle trajectory and cutoff conditions (achieved)
- To verify orbital insertion condition by tracking the C-band transponder system in the spacecraft (achieved)
- To demonstrate the performance of the launch and tracking networks (achieved)
- To provide training for the flight dynamics, guidance switchover, and malfunction detection systems flight controllers (achieved)
- To demonstrate the operational capability of the prelaunch and launch facilities (achieved )
Gemini II
Primary Objectives:
- To demonstrate the adequacy of the reentry assembly heat protection equipment during a maximum-heating-rate reentry (achieved)
- To demonstrate the structural integrity and capability of the spacecraft from liftof through landing (achieved)
- To demonstrate satisfactory performance of the spacecraft systems (achieved)
- To demonstrate systems checkout and launch procedures (achieved)
- To evaluate backup guidance steering signals throughout launch (achieved)
Secondary Objectives:
- To obtain test results on the cryogenics, fuel cell and reactant supply, and communications systems (achieved with the exception of the fuel cell results - the fuel cell was deactivated before liftoff because of a malfunction)
- To further flight-qualify the launch vehicle and to demonstrate its ability to insert the spacecraft into a prescribed trajectory (achieved)
- To demonstrate the compatibility of the launch vehicle and spacecraft through the countdown and launch sequence (achieved)
- To provide training for flight controllers (achieved)
- To further qualify ground communications and tracking systems in support of future manned missions (achieved)
Gemini III
Primary Objectives:
- To demonstrate manned orbital flight in the Gemini spacecraft and to further qualify the spacecraft and launch vehicle systems for future manned missions (achieved)
- To evaluate the two-man Gemini design and its effects on flight crew performance (achieved)
- To demonstrate nod evaluate the operation of the worldwide tracking network with the spacecraft and flight crew (achieved)
- To demonstrate and evaluate the capability to maneuver the spacecraft in orbit using the orbit attitude and maneuver system (OAMS) (achieved)
- To demonstrate the OAMS capability to perform retrofire backup (achieved)
- To demonstrate the capability to control the reentry flight path and the ultimate
- landing point (partially achieved. The accuracy of the controlled landing point was not as high as bad been expected)
- To evaluate the performance of the spacecraft systems (achieved)
- To demonstrate systems checkout, prelaunch, and launch procedures for a manned spacecraft with a two-man crew (achieved)
- To recover the spacecraft and evaluate the recovery system (achieved)
Secondary Objectives:
- To evaluate the flight crew equipment, biomedical instrumentation, and partial personal hygiene system (achieved)
- To perform three experiments (partially achieved)
- To evaluate the effects of the low-level longitudinal oscillations (POGO) of the launch vehicle on the flight crew (achieved)
- To obtain general photographic coverage in orbit (partially achieved because of an improper lens on the 16mm camera)
Gemini IV
Primary Objectives:
- To evaluate the effects of prolonged exposure of the two-man flight crew to the space environment (achieved)
- To demonstrate nod evaluate the performance of the Gemini spacecraft systems for a period of approximately four days in the space environment (partially achieved. The computer-controlled reentry was not flown because of an inadvertent alteration of the computer memory)
- To evaluate previously developed procedures for crew rest and work cycles, eating schedules, and real-time flight planning for long-duration flights (achieved)
Secondary Objectives:
- To demonstrate extravehicular activity in space and to evaluate attitude and position control using the hand-held propulsion unit or the tether line (achieved)
- To conduct station keeping and rendezvous maneuvers with the expended second stage of the launch vehicle (partially achieved. Separation and rendezvous were not attempted because the OAMS propellants allocated for this maneuver were consumed during stationkeeping immediately after insertion)
- To conduct further evaluation of the spacecraft systems as outlined in the inflight systems test objectives (achieved)
- To demonstrate the capability of the spacecraft and flight crew to make significant in-plane and out-of-plane maneuvers (achieved)
- To demonstrate OAMS capability to operate as a backup for the retrograde rocket system (achieved)
- To conduct 11 experiments (achieved)
Gemini V
Primary Objectives:
- To evaluate the performance of the rendezvous guidance and navigation system using a rendezvous evaluation pod (REP) (not achieved. Rendezvous with the REP was not conducted because of a decision to power down the spacecraft)
- To demonstrate manned orbital flight in the Gemini 9 spacecraft for approximately eight days (achieved)
- To evaluate the effects of exposing the two-man crew to long periods of weightlessness (achieved)
Secondary Objectives:
- To demonstrate controlled reentry guidance to a predetermined landing point (not achieved. incorrect navigation coordinates transmitted to the spacecraft computer from the ground network caused an 89-mile undershoot)
- To evaluate the performance of the fuel cell under flight electrical load conditions (achieved)
- To demonstrate all phases of guidance and control system operation necessary to support a rendezvous mission (achieved)
- To evaluate the capability of either pilot to maneuver the spacecraft in orbit to a close proximity with another object (not achieved)
- To evaluate the performance of the rendezvous radar (achieved)
- To conduct 17 experiments (partially achieved. One photography experiment was not conducted because of the decision to cancel rendezvous with the REP)
Gemini VI
Primary Objective:
To demonstrate rendezvous and docking with the Gemini-Agena target vehicle, using both the spacecraft and Agena capabilities as required (not achieved. The Geminl-Agena target vehicle (GATV) failed to attain orbital conditions, causing the mission to be terminated before Gemini spacecraft launch)
Secondary Objectives:
- To conduct rendezvous and docking using radar computer closed-loop mode'
- To conduct multiple dockings under various lighting conditions (day and night-both pilots)
- To demonstrate reentry guidance capability and landing point control
- To evaluate spacecraft command of the GATV in undocked mode
- To determine useful lifetime and ground control capability of the GATV
- To evaluate visibility of the GATV under various conditions of lighting and range
- To provide motion picture documentation at the GATV during docking
- To conduct systems tests and execute inflight experiments
Gemini VI-A
Primary Objective:
To rendezvous with the Gemini VII spacecraft in orbit (achieved)
Secondary Objectives:
- To perform closed-loop rendezvous at the fourth darkness (achieved)
- To conduct stationkeeping with the Gemini VII spacecraft (achieved)
- To evaluate the reentry guidance capability of the spacecraft (achieved)
- To conduct visibility tests of the Gemini VII spacecraft as a rendezvous target vehicle (achieved)
- To conduct four assigned experiments (partially achieved. A radiation experiment was not complete)
- To conduct spacecraft system tests (achieved)
Gemini VII
Primary Objectives:
- To demonstrate the capability of the spacecraft and crew on a 14-day mission (achieved)
- To evaluate the effects of the 14-day flight on the crew (achieved)
Secondary Objectives:
- To provide a rendezvous target for the Gemini VI-A spacecraft (achieved)
- To conduct stationkeeping with Gemini VI-A (achieved)
- To conduct stationkeeping with the second stage of the launch vehicle (achieved)
- To conduct 20 scheduled experiments (achieved)
- To evaluate a lightweight pressure suit during a mission (achieved)
- To evaluate the spacecraft reentry guidance capability (achieved)
- To conduct spacecraft systems tests (achieved)
Gemini VIII
Primary Objectives:
- To perform rendezvous and docking with the GATV (achieved)
- To conduct extravehicular activities (not achieved. Mission was terminated early because of a malfunctioning thruster in the spacecraft)
Secondary Objectives:
- To perform rendezvous and docking during the fourth revolution (achieved)
- To perform docked-vehicle maneuvers using the GATV's secondary propulsion system (not achieved)
- To conduct systems evaluation (partially achieved)
- To conduct 10 experiments (partially achieved)
- To practice docking (not achieved)
- To perform a rendezvous (not achieved)
- To evaluate the auxiliary tape memory unit (achieved)
- To park the GATV in a 220-nautical-mile circular orbit (achieved)
Gemini IX
Primary Objectives:
- To rendezvous and dock with the GATV (not achieved. The Atlas target launch vehicle failed to boost the GATV into orbit, and the mission was terminated before the launch of the Gemini spacecraft)
- To conduct extravehicular activities
Secondary Objectives:
- To rendezvous and dock with the Agena during the third revolution at the Gemini spacecraft
- To conduct systems tests
- To conduct eight inflight experiments
- To conduct docking practice with the Agena
- To evaluate line-of-sight docked vehicle control
- To conduct rendezvous exercises to provide additional crew experience and to perform rendezvous from above
- To conduct a phantom rendezvous using the spacecraft docked with the Agena to demonstrate ability to perform midcourse maneuvers in the docked configuration
- To evaluate onboard navigation capability
- To park the Agena
Gemini IX-A
Primary Objectives:
- To perform rendezvous and docking with the augmented target docking adapter (ATDA) (partially achieved. The spacecraft could not dock because the ascent shroud had not jettisoned from the ATDA)
- To conduct extravehicular activities (achieved)
Secondary Objectives:
- To perform rendezvous during the third revolution (achieved)
- To conduct systems evaluation (achieved)
- To perform equiperiod rendezvous (achieved)
- To conduct seven experiments (partially achieved. A meteoroid collection experiment could not be completed because the extravehicular activity did not take place near the target vehicle)
- To conduct docking practice (not achieved)
- To perform rendezvous from above (achieved)
- To demonstrate a controlled reentry (achieved)
Gemini X
Primary Objective:
To perform rendezvous and docking with the GATV (achieved)
Secondary Objectives:
- To rendezvous and dock in the fourth revolution in check of onboard navigation (achieved)
- To use large propulsion system in space in dual rendezvous using the target
- vehicle primary and secondary propulsion systems (achieved)
- To conduct extravehicular activities (achieved)
- To conduct docking practice (not attempted because of insufficient fuel reserves)
- To perform 14 experiments (partially achieved. Some experiments were not conducted because of time limitations and a constraint on the use of spacecraft propellants)
- To conduct systems evaluations (achieved)
Gemini XI
Primary Objective:
To rendezvous and dock with the target vehicle during the first revolution (achieved)
Secondary Objectives:
- To conduct docking practice (achieved)
- To perform extravehicular activity (achieved)
- To conduct 11 experiments (partially achieved. One photography experiment was not completed because extravehicular activity was terminated earlier than planned)
- To maneuver in the docked configuration, including a high-apogee extrusion (achieved)
- To conduct a tethered-vehicle test (achieved)
- To demonstrate an automatic reentry (achieved)
- To park the Agena target vehicle (achieved)
Gemini XII
Primary Objectives:
- To rendezvous and dock with a target vehicle (achieved)
- To conduct extravehicular activity at least three times during the mission (achieved)
Secondary Objectives:
- To practice docking (achieved)
- To accomplish a tethered stationkeeping exercise, using the gravity gradient technique (achieved)
- To conduct 15 experiments (achieved)
- To perform maneuvers, using the Agena primary propulsion system to change orbit (not achieved. Ground controllers noted a fluctuation in the Agena propulsion system and canceled the maneuver. )
- To use a controlled reentry technique as demonstrated on Gemini XI (achieved)
- The term "demonstrable" means the occurrence of an action or event during the mission. Accomplishing this type of objective requires a qualitative answer derived through the relation of the action or event to some other known information or occurrence.
- The term "determine" means to perform investigations which will indicate to what extent a unit is operating as designed. The applicable information is generally obtained from instrumentation which measures basic inputs and outputs of the unit or system.
- The term "evaluate" means the measuring of the performance of a unit or system, as well as the performance and/or interaction of its sections or subsystems that are under investigation. Accomplishment of this type or objective requires quantitative data on the performance of the unit or system and its sections or subsystems.
Source: MSC-G-R-66-5, "Gemini Program Flight Summary Report," with revisions, January 1967; NASA Program Gemini Working Paper No. 5030. "Gemini Program/Mission Directive," Nov. 19,1965, with Appendixes A through C.