Selected Bibliography (2)

NASA Project Mercury Working Papers

Working Paper No.
Details of Working Paper
Lunney, Glynn S., "A Study of the Control of Landing Areas for Post Staging Abort Trajectories," August 3, 1959.
"Test No. HS-24 [Big Joe] General Information for Recovery Forces," August 14, 1959.
Huss, Carl R., and Lunney, G. S., "Results of Studies Made to Determine Required Retrorocket Capability," September 22, 1959.
Hicks, Claiborne R., Jr., and Skopinski, Ted H., "Pre-Stage Abort Studies from the Nominal 105 Nautical Mile Orbital Insertion Trajectory," September 15, 1959.
Behuncik, John A., Ferrando, James A., Jr., and Skopinski, T. H., "Preliminary Standard 11-g Type Trajectory - Data for the Early Flights of Mercury-Redstone," September 25, 1959.
Graham, John B., Jr., "Recovery Operations for Little Joe Test Number 1-B," February 10, 1960.
"Three Degree of Freedom Dynamic Trajectories for 80° and 90° Launch- Abort Conditions with Various Wind Conditions," September 30, 1959.
"Preliminary Flight Test Results of the 'Big Joe' Mercury R and D Capsule," October 12, 1959.
Hall, John B., Jr., "Qualification Tests on the Big Joe Recovery System," October 27, 1959.
Strass, H. Kurt, and Robert, Frank C., "Proposal for a Recoverable Radiation Experiment," November 5, 1959.
"Project Mercury Test # HS-24 (XSM-65-10D), Summary of Calculated Preflight Trajectory and Radar Analysis Data," August 31, 1959.
Ferrando, J. A., Behuncik, J. A., and Skopinski, T. H., "Mercury-Redstone Separation Distance for Preliminary 11-g Type Trajectory," November 6, 1959.
Petynia, William W., and Hasson, Dennis F., "Pretest Report for Off-The-Pad Escape System Qualification Test," March 1, 1960.
Hasson, D. F., "Preliminary Study Using Inflatable Spheres for Aerodynamic Stabilization of the Mercury Capsule During Reentry," November 18, 1959.
Moseley, William C., Jr., "Summary of the Longitudinal Stability Characteristics of the Little Joe Configurations M=0.05 to M=6.83," December 1, 1959.
Windler, Milton L., "Results of Recovery Beacon Test Number 3," December 11, 1959.
Skopinski, T. H., Behuncik, J. A., and Ferrando, J. A., Jr., "Mercury-Redstone Abort Study for Preliminary 11-g Type Trajectory," December 15, 1959.
Kapryan, Walter J., and Sjoberg, Sigurd A., "Mission Directive for Mercury-Redstone No. 1 [MR-1]," December 15, 1959, Rev. May 20, 1960.
Fisher, Lewis R., and Arabian, Donald D., "General Systems Information Document," March 10, 1960.
Kyle, Howard C., "Mercury Radio and Command Control System," December 21, 1959.
Ferrando, J. A., Behuncik, J. A., and Skopinski, T. H., "Mercury-Redstone Capsule Dispersion Study for Preliminary 11-g Type Trajectory," December 30, 1959.
Fisher, L. R., and Chauvin, Leo T., "Mission Document for Little Joe No. 5 (Capsule No. 3)," May 25, 1960.
Graham, J. B., Jr., "Recovery Operations for Little Joe Test No. Two," January 18, 1960.
Berger, J., "Preliminary Evaluation of Surface Winds at Cape Canaveral," February 19, 1960. [Not released]
Moseley, W. C., Jr., "Static Longitudinal Stability Characteristics of the Mercury Capsule Configurations M=0.05 to 20 (Basic Configuration)," March 18, 1960.
Windler, M. L., "Results of the Project Mercury HF Recovery Beacon Test No. 1," March 23, 1960.
Henry, J. P., "Status of the Animal Test Program," March 31, 1960. [Not released]
"Summary of Mercury-Johnsville Centrifuge Program of August 1959," June 22, 1960.
Dunseith, Lynwood, and Lunney, G. S., "Methods and Pertinent Data for Project Mercury Flight Computing Requirements," April 6, 1960. [Superseded by working paper 146]
Cheatham, Donald C., and Tynan, Charles I., Jr., "General Information for Launch Site Recovery Forces," March 29, 1960.
Smith, Robert P., "Static Longitudinal Stability Characteristics of the Mercury Capsule in Combination with the Mercury-Atlas and Mercury-Redstone Boosters M=0.60 to M=3.00," March 28, 1960.
Erb, R. Bryan, "Preliminary Study of Heating Aspects of a Radiation Foil Modification to Extend Mercury Heat-Shield Capability to a Natural Decay Entry," April 8, 1960.
Arabian, D. D., and Sjoberg, S. A., "Mercury-Atlas (MA-1) Mission Directive (Capsule No. 4) ," April 11, 1960.
Rose, James T., and Rose, Rodney G., "Research and Development Flight Test Program Using the Little Joe Booster - Booster Qualification Flight Test (Little Joe No. 6)," April 22, 1960.
Enderson, Laurence W., Jr., and Rose, R. G., "Research and Development Flight Test Program Using the Little Joe Booster - Abort at High Dynamic Pressure (Little Joe No. 1A)," July 25, 1960.
Rose, J. T., and Rose, R. G., "A Method of Estimating Launch Setting to Correct for the Effects of Wind on the Trajectory of a Little Joe Type Vehicle," April 29, 1960. [See TM-X-492]
Brumberg, Paul G., "Special Trajectory Parameters for NASA Mercury Missions," April 22, 1960.
Jackson, Bruce G., and Williams, Walter E., "Aerodynamic Results of the Little Joe 1-A Flight," May 16, 1960.
Kapryan, W. J., and Sjoberg, S. A., "Mission Directive for Mercury-Redstone Mission No. 2 (Capsule No. 5)," April 16, 1960.
Jones, Enoch M., "General Discussion of Contingency Recovery," May 17, 1960.
Arabian, D. D., Fisher, L. R., Sjoberg, S. A., and Hodge, John D., "Mercury-Atlas (MA-2) Mission Directive (Capsule No. 6)," May 27, 1960. [Supplementary to working paper 118]
Ferrando, J. A., Jr., and Skopinski, T. H., "Dispersion Study of Separation Distance after Apogee for Mercury-Redstone Preliminary 11-g Type Trajectory," June 8, 1960.
Graham, J. B., Jr., and Hodge, B. Leon, "Test No. MA-1: General Information for Recovery Force," July 8, 1960.
Hicks, C. R., Jr., and Hunt, Shirley A., "Information for use in Landing Area Prediction for Mercury-Atlas Mission MA-1 (50-D)," July 13, 1960.
Huss, C. R., Allen, Charlie, and Hicks, C. R., Jr., "Summary of Calculated Pre-Flight Trajectory Data for MA-1 (Capsule No. 4, Atlas No. 50-D)," July 25, 1960.
Hall, J. B., Jr., "Qualification Tests on the MA-1 Terminal System," July 26, 1960.
Dunseith, L. C., Lunney, G. S., and Dalby, James F., "Methods and Pertinent Data for Project Mercury Flight Computing Requirements," July 22, 1960. [Supersedes working paper 128, and was superseded by working paper 191]
Lewis, John H., Jr., and Mayo, Alfred P., "A Qualitative Description of the Mercury-Atlas Guidance Equations," October 24, 1960.
Morse, Archibald E., Jr., and Kranz, Eugene F., "Mission Directive for Mercury-Redstone Mission No. 3 (Capsule No. 7)," September 6, 1960, Rev. March 20, 1961.
McKann, Robert E., and Sjoberg, S. A., "Mission Directive for Mercury-Atlas No. 3 (Capsule No. 8)," October 18, 1960, Rev. March 31, 1961.
Weston, Kenneth C., and Swanson, Joanna E., "A Summary of Wind-Tunnel Heat-Transfer Measurements on the Afterbody of the Project Mercury Capsule Reentry Configuration," August 17, 1960. [See TM-X-495, August 1961, for this report]
Wheelwright, Charles D., "Animal Ground Support Facilities," August 17, 1960.
Patterson, Herbert G., Ewart, David D., and Hamby, William H., "Determination of Mercury Escape Rocket Thrust Eccentricity from Probability Studies of Miss Distance and Lateral Loads During Pre-Staging Abort from Mercury-Atlas Booster," August 19, 1960.
Dodson, Joe W., and Kincaide, William C., "Cleveland Window Abrasion Test," August 18, 1960.
Maynard, Owen E., "Reconstruction Investigation of Recovered Components from Mercury-Atlas No. 1 After Mission Failure," August 31, 1960.
Windier, M. L., "Evaluation of an 8-Band Tracking Beacon as a Recovery Location Aid, Test No. 1," September 26, 1960.
Skopinski, T. H., Behuncik, J. A., and Ferrando, J. A., Jr., "Calculated Pre-Flight Trajectory Data for Mercury-Redstone Mission No. 1 (MR-1) (Capsule No. 2)," October 10, 1960.
Tynan, C. I., Jr., "Test No. MR-1, General Information for Recovery Forces," October 11, 1960.
Henry, J. P., "Status of the Animal Test Program," October 20, 1960.
Fields, Edison M., and Bond, Aleck C., "Flight Test Report for Mercury-Atlas Mission No. 1 (Capsule No. 4)," November 4, 1960.
Huss, C. R., Hartung, Jack B., Hicks, C. R., Jr., and Allen, C. C., "Summary of Several Short Studies Pertaining to the Retro-Rocket System Capability for the Mercury Mission," November 9, 1960.
Johnston, Richard S., "Medical Operation Plan," November 4, 1960.
Morris, D. P., Jr., "Medical Recovery Operations," October 10, 1960.
Hicks, C. R., Jr., O'Loughlin, John C., Allen, C. C., and Huss, C. R., "Summary of Calculated Pre-Flight Trajectory Data for Mercury-Atlas Mission No. 2 (MA-2) (Capsule No. 6, Atlas No. 67-D)," December 7, 1960.
Laughlin, C. Patrick, "Bio-Science Data Plan," December 1, 1960.
Morris, D. P., Jr., "Medical Recovery Operations (Animal Flights)," October 10, 1960.
Chauvin, L. T., and Fisher, L. R., "Flight Test Report for Little Joe Mission No. 5," December 23, 1960.
Skopinski, T. H., Maynard, John W., Jr., and Osgood, C. T., "Wind Influence Coefficients for the Mercury-Redstone Missions," January 6, 1961.
Skopinski, T, H., Maynard, J, W., Jr., Behuncik, J. A., and Ferrando, J. A., "Calculated Preflight Trajectory Data for Mercury-Redstone Mission No. 2 (MR-2, Capsule No. 5)," January 19, 1961.
Kolenkiewicz, Ronald, and Rose, R. G., "Research and Development Flight Test Program Using the Little Joe Booster-High Altitude Abort (Little Joe No. 2)," April 10, 1961.
[Enderson, L. W., and Kapryan, W. J., "Post Launch Report for Mercury-Redstone No. 1A (MR-1A)," ca. January 1961; never published]
Jackson, C. B., Dr., "Medical Evaluation Program," January 26, 1961.
Hermann, Robert A., "Mission Directive for Simulated Orbital Flight Test Program (Capsule No. 10)," February 15, 1961.
Rose, R. G., and Enderson, L. W., "Research and Development Flight Test Program Using the Little Joe Booster, Abort at High Dynamic Pressure (Little Joe No. IB)," March 3, 1961.
Jackson, C. B., McMillion, L. N., and Johnston, R. S., "Astronaut Preparation and Activities Manual for Mercury-Redstone No. 3," February 6, 1961.
Mayo, A. P., and Lewis, J. H., Jr., "Mathematical Procedures for Determination of Capsule Range, Azimuth, Elevation, and Radar Look Angles for Pad-Centered and Earth-Centered Inertial Coordinate System," February 15, 1961.
Skopinski, T. H., Behuncik, J. A., and Leatherman, P. S., "Preliminary Probability Study of Mercury-Atlas Post-Stage Separation Velocity and Separation Distance After Retrofiring," March 3, 1961.
Fisher, L. R., and Chauvin, L. T., "Mission Directive for Little Joe No. 5A (Capsule No. 14)," March 7, 1961.
Maynard, J. W., Skopinski, T. H., and Leatherman, P. S., "Calculated Pre-flight Trajectory Data for Redstone Booster Test (MR-BD)," March 17, 1961.
Kuehnel, H. A., "Outline for the Astronaut Acceleration Training Program IV," February 24, 1961.
Karakulko, Witalij, "Effects of Propellant and Hardware Temperature on the Starting Response Time of H 2 O 2 Reaction Control Thrust Chambers of the Mercury Capsule," March 9, 1961.
Llewellyn, John S., Jr., "Heating Characteristics for Three Mercury Exit Models," March 20, 1961.
Samonski, F. H., Jr., and Bush, W. H., Jr., "Environmental Control System Test and Astronaut Training Program," March 3, 1961.
Chauvin, L. T., and Fisher, L. R., "Mission Directive for Little Joe No. 5B (Capsule No. 14)," April 7, 1961.
"Summary of Calculated Preflight Trajectory Data for Mercury-Atlas Mission No. 3 (MA-3) (Capsule No. 8, Atlas No. 100-D)," April 14, 1961.
"Calculated Preflight Trajectory Data for Mercury-Redstone Mission No. 3 (MR-3, Capsule No. 7)," April 20, 1961.
Ewart, D. D., and Brown, S. W., "Summary of Dynamic Stability Data for the Mercury Capsule and Escape System," March 22, 1961.
"Life Systems Aspects of Third Mercury-Aviation Medical Acceleration Laboratory Centrifuge Program," April 20, 1961.
Thompson, W. E., and Pesman, G. J., "Preliminary Appraisal of the Project Mercury Acceleration Hazard," May 15, 1961.
Kuehnel, H. A., and Glover, Kenneth E., "Program Description and Discussion for the Astronaut Acceleration Training Program III (Mercury-Redstone Mission Training)," May 8, 1961.
Maynard, J. W., Jr., Ferrando, J. A., and Leatherman, P. S., "A Probability Study for Determining Escape-Rocket Thrust Eccentricity for the Mercury-Redstone Missions," May 17, 1961.
Dalby, J. F., "Methods and Pertinent Data for Project Mercury Flight Computing Requirements," June 1, 1961. [Supersedes working paper 146]
Hammack, J. B., et al., "Post Launch Report for Mercury-Redstone No. 3 (MR-3)," June 16, 1961.
Erb, R. B., and Stephens, E. W., "An Analysis of Mercury Heat-Shield Performance During Entry," June 21, 1961.
Allen, C. C., and Ferrando, J. A., "Preflight Calculated Tracking Data for the Mercury Network Test Vehicle MNTV-1," June 26, 1961.
Fisher, L. R., Chauvin, L. T., and Smith, N. F., "Postlaunch Report for Mercury-Little Joe 5B (LJ-5B)," June 12, 1961.
Maynard, J. W., Jr., Behuncik, J. A., and Leatherman, P. S., "Calculated Preflight Trajectory Data for Mercury-Redstone Mission No. 4 (Capsule No. 11)," June 29, 1961.
Christopher, Kenneth W., and Kranz, E. F., "Mission Directive for Mercury-Redstone No. 4 (Capsule No. 11)," July 7, 1961.
Smith, Norman F., ed., "A Feasibility Study of a Vehicle for 14-Day Orbital Experiments with Animals," July 7, 1961.
Hicks, C. R., Jr., O'Loughlin, J. C., and Hunt, S. A., "Tracking and Sighting Data for Stations and Recovery Forces Supporting Mercury-Atlas Mission No. 4," July 7, 1961.
Allen, C. C., and Ferrando, J. A., "Summary of Calculated Preflight Trajectory Data for the Mercury Network Test Vehicle MNTV-1," July 12, 1961.
Fisher, L. R., "Mission Directive for Mercury-Scout Mission No. 1 (MS-1)," July 21, 1961.
Winterhalter, David L., "Determination of Net Thrust of Project Mercury Tower Jettison Rocket and Escape Tower Assembly," July 3, 1961.
Gergory, D. T., and Kranz, E. F., "Mission Directive for Mercury-Atlas No. 4 (Capsule No. 8A)," July 28, 1961.
Hicks, C. R., Jr., O'Loughlin, J. C., and Hunt, S. A., "Calculated Preflight Trajectory Data for Mercury-Atlas Mission No. 4 (Capsule No. 8A, Atlas No. 88-D)," August 2, 1961.
Hartung, Jack B., and Wetmore, Warren C., "A Composite Model Atmosphere for Use in Project Mercury Calculations," September 29, 1961.
Zedekar, Raymond G., "Astronaut Preparation for Orbital Flight," October 13, 1961. Hicks, C. R., Jr., and Allen, C. C., "Calculated Preflight Trajectory Data for Mercury-Atlas Mission 5 (MA-5) (Capsule 9 - Atlas 93-D)," October 19, 1961.
Gregory, D. T., and von Ehrenfried, M. H., "Mission Directive for Mercury-Atlas Mission No. 5 (Capsule No. 9)," October 20, 1961.
Hammack, J. B., et al., "Postlaunch Report for Mercury-Redstone No. 4 (MR-4) (Capsule 11)," September 22, 1961.
Skopinski, T. H., Ferrando, J. A., and Osgood, C. T., "Postlaunch Trajectory Report for Mercury-Redstone Mission 3 (MR-3, Capsule 7)," October 12, 1961.
Skopinski, T. H., Behuncik, J. A., and Leatherman, P. S., "Postlaunch Trajectory Report for Mercury-Redstone Mission 4 (MR-4, Capsule 11)," October 16, 1961.
Hicks, C. R., Jr., Allen, C. C., and O'Loughlin, J. C., "Calculated Preflight Abort Trajectory Data and Nominal Trajectory Display Data for MA Mission 5 (MA-5) (Capsule 9, Atlas 93-D)," November 6, 1961.
Fields, Edison M., et al., "Postlaunch Report for Mercury-Atlas Mission 4 (MA-4, Capsule 8A)," November 10, 1961.
O'Loughlin, J. C., and Leonard, Pauline O., "Tracking and Sighting Data for Stations and Recovery Forces Supporting Mercury-Atlas Mission No. 6 (MA-6 - Spacecraft 13)," December 13, 1961.
McCutcheon, Ernest P., Morris, D. P., McBarron, James W., II, and McMillion, L. N., "Astronaut Preparation and Activities Manual for Mercury-Atlas Mission 6 (MA-6 - Spacecraft 13)," December 1, 1961.
Christopher, K. W., and Kranz, E. F., "Mission Directive for Mercury-Atlas Mission 6 (MA-6 - Spacecraft 13)," December 15, 1961.
Hicks, C. R., Jr., and O'Loughlin, J. C., "Calculated Preflight Trajectory Data for Mercury-Atlas Mission 6 (MA-6) (Atlas 109-D - Spacecraft 13)" (Addendum To W. P. Nos. 207 and 212), December 28, 1961.
"Addendum Data Report for Mercury-Atlas Mission 4 (MA-4 - Spacecraft 8A)," November 29, 1961.
Hartung, J. B., "Analysis of Conditions Determining the Transition Regime Between Ballistic and Orbital Flight for Project Mercury," January 9, 1962.
Fields, E. M., Everline, Robert T., Jr., Arbic, R. G., Donnelly, Paul C., Sjoberg, S. A., Smith, N. F., and White, S. C., "Postlaunch Report for Mercury-Atlas Mission 5 (MA-5 - Spacecraft 9) Part 1-Mission Analysis," March 9, 1962.
Everline, R. T., Jr., "Postlaunch Report for Mercury-Atlas Mission 5 (MA-5 - Spacecraft 9) Part II - Data," March 9, 1962.
Boynton, John H., von Ehrenfried, M., "Mission Directive for Mercury-Atlas Mission 7 (MA-7 - Spacecraft 18)," April 9, 1962.
Everline, R. T., Jr., Fisher, L. R., Bost, James E., Piland, Joseph V., Bland, William M., and Kleinknecht, K. S., "Manned One-Day Mission Mercury Spacecraft Specification Document," April 23, 1962, Rev. 1963.
Hicks, C. R., Jr., and Allen, C. C., "Calculated Preflight Trajectory Data for Mercury-Atlas Mission 7 (MA-7) (Spacecraft 18 - Atlas 107-D)," May 4, 1962.
Hicks, C. R., Jr., Allen, C. C., and O'Loughlin, J. C., "Calculated Preflight Abort Trajectory Display Data and Nominal Trajectory Display Data for Mercury-Atlas Mission 7 (MA-7) (Spacecraft 18 - Atlas 107- D)," May 4, 1962.
McCutcheon, E. P., Morris, D. P., and McBarron, J. W., II, "Astronaut Preparation and Activities Manual for Orbital Flight," April 10, 1962.
Jacobs, Stanley, and Stephens, E. W., "Experimental Results and Analysis of Ablation Tests Performed on Project Mercury Heat Shield Segments in a Langley Research Center Structures Division ARC Facility," May 23, 1962.
Boynton, J. H., and Kranz, E. F., "Mission Directive for Mercury-Atlas Mission No. 8 (MA-8 - Spacecraft 16)," August 31, 1962.
Allen, C. C., Hicks, C. R., Jr., and Bostick, Jerry C., "Calculated Preflight Trajectory Data for Mercury-Atlas Mission 8 (MA-8) (Spacecraft No. 16 - Atlas 113-D)," September 7, 1962.
Incerto, Donald J., McCreary, Ben F., and Osgood, C. T., "Postlaunch Trajectory Report for Mercury-Atlas Mission No. 4 (MA-4) (Spacecraft No. 8A - Atlas 88-D) and for Mercury-Atlas Mission No. 5 (MA-5) (Spacecraft No. 9 - Atlas 93-D)," October, 1962.
St. Leger, Leslie G., "Design Study of a Meteoroid Experiment Using an Unmanned Mercury Spacecraft," December 27, 1962.
Boynton, J. H., and Kranz, E. F., "Manned One-Day Mission - Mission Directive for Mercury-Atlas Mission 9 (MA-9-Spacecraft 20)," February 12, 1963, Rev. April 25, 1963.
Bostick, J. C., and Garter, Thomas F., Jr., "Calculated Preflight Trajectory Data for the Manned One-Day Mercury-Atlas Mission (MA-9) (Spacecraft No. 20 - Atlas 130-D)," March 15, 1963.
Bostick, J. C., and Garter, T. F., Jr., "Calculated Preflight Abort Trajectory Data and Flight Dynamics Display Data for the Manned One-Day Mercury-Atlas Mission (MA-9) (Spacecraft No. 20 - Atlas 130-D)," April 16, 1963.
Geier, Douglas J., Slight, John B., Marak, Ralph J., and Turner, Thomas, "The Development and Qualification Testing of a Lightweight Net Couch and Restraint System for Use in the Mercury Spacecraft" [Never published].