Selected Bibliography (3)

Bibliographical Aids

Catoe, Lynn E., compiler, Space Science and Technology Books 1957-1961: A Bibliography with Contents Noted (Washington, Library of Congress, 1962).

Estep, Raymond, An Aerospace Bibliography, Documentary Research Division, Research Studies Institute, Air University (Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, 1962 - ).

Gamble, William B., compiler, History of Aeronautics: A Selected List of References to Material in the New York Public Library (New York, 1938).

Gibbs-Smith, Charles H., The History of Flying, Reader's Guides, Second Series 9 (Cambridge, England, National Book League, 1957).

Ley, Willy, Rockets, Missiles, and Space Travel, revised and enlarged edition (New York, 1957), Bibliography, 489-520.

Moore, Patrick, Space Exploration, Reader's Guides, Third Series (Cambridge, England, National Book League, 1958).

National Aerospace Education Council, Aeronautics and Space Bibliography of Adult Aerospace Books and Materials (2 ed., Washington, 1964).

National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Historical Sketch of NASA, NASA EP-29 (Washington, 1965), Select Historical References, 51-56.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration, List of Selected References on NASA Programs, NASA SP-3 (Washington, Library of Congress, 1962).

National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports (STAR): A Semimonthly Abstract Journal with Indexes (Washington, 1963 - ).

National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Space Scientists and Engineers: Selected Biographical and Bibliographical Listing, 1957-1961, NASA SP-5 (Washington, 1962).

Renstrom, Arthur G., "Bibliographical Note," in E. M. Emme, ed., The History of Rocket Technology (Detroit, 1964), 285-308.