Meetings of Rocket and Satellite Research Panel
Meeting Date Place Remarks
0 16 Jan. 46 NRL Preliminary, exploratory discussion.
1 27 Feb.46 PU Organizing meeting.
2 27 Mar. 46 NRL -
3 24 Apr. 46 NRL Now called V-2 Upper Atmosphere Panel. Panel begins practice of hearing reports on firings and research results.
4 3-Jun-46 APL -
5 9-Jul-46 GE -
6 5 Sept. 46 WL Now called V-2 Upper Atmosphere Research Panel.
7 4 Nov. 46 ESL -
8 28 Jan. 47 NRL -
9 25 Mar. 47 PF JRDB requests longwrange plans from panel.
10 7-May-47 APL -
11 3-Jul-47 WSPG -
12 1 Oct. 47 GE Aerobee test firings have started. Panel promotes symposium on high-altitude physical research by rockets, to be held at American Physical Society meetings in Chicago. 29-31 Dec. 1947.
13 29 Dec.47 Chi. Krause resigns; Van Allen elected chairman. Office of Chief of Ordnance proposes panel consider broadening its scope.
14 28 Jan. 48 NRL -
15 18 Mar. 48 ERL Name changed to Upper Atmosphere Rocket Research Panel.
16 28 Apr. 48 ESL -
17 16-Jun-48 APL -
18 29 Sept. 48 WSPG -
19 5 Jan. 49 CIT -
20 21 Apr. 49 UM Van Allen has been using Aerobees fired from shipboard to extend geographic coverage of his research.
21 3 Aug. 49 HCO Viking development is under way, and a first firing has been made.
22 26 Oct. 49 NRL -
23 14 Feb. 50 APL -
24 20 Apr. 50 NRL Panel plans a coordinated set of high-altitude temperature experiments.
25 14-Jun-50 UC Sydney Chapman, British scientist, attends.
26 8 Sept. 50 GE Future research requirements and need for higher altitude vehicles considered.
27 31 Jan. 51 NRL -
28 25 Apr. 51 NRL Panel begins discussions that lead to publication of panel paper on properties of upper atmosphere in Physical Review.
29 14,15 Aug. 51 URI Panel conducts seminar on properties of atmosphere at high altitudes. Panel has been giving extensive consideration to sounding rocket firings at other locations than White Sands; Fort Churchill, Canada, is one of the possibilities being considered.
30 24 Oct. 51 UCh -
31 8 Jan. 52 SUI -
32 30 Apr. 52 MN Panel plans to accept invitation from Gassiot Committee to join symposium on upper atmosphere at Oxford in August 1953.
33 7 Oct. 52 TN Van Allen reports on use of balloon-launched rockets, called Rockoons. Panel is planning a symposium on rocket ionospheric studies.
34 29, 30 Jan. 53 PAFB -
35 29 Apr. 53 TN Panel is going in depth into plans for coordinated northern latitude firings.
36 7 Oct. 53 AFCRC Panel reviews results of international symposium on upper atmospheric research held at Oxford the preceding August. Panel discusses participation in IGY.
37 4 Feb. 54 MN Special Committee for the IGY (SCIGY) to work on Arctic firings is appointed.
38 29 Apr. 54 MN Plans progressing for IGY rocket program.
39 8, 9 Sept. 54 NRL Panel develops budget for IGY program.
40 3 Feb. 55 JPL Panel votes to offer SCIGY to Technical Panel on Rocketry of National Academy of Sciences.
41 2-Jun-55 TN Panel data on upper atmosphere has been used in preparing proposed extension to ICAO Standard Atmosphere used in aeronautical design work.
42 27 Oct. 55 BRL Van Allen reports on Rockoon firings in auroral zone. Panel is planning symposium on scientific uses of earth satellites.
43 26, 27 Jan. 56 UM Symposium on scientific uses of earth satellites.
44 31-May-56 P Panel hears reports on Japanese, Australian, British, and French rocket programs. IGY satellite plans are discussed.
45 17 Dec. 56 NRC Rocket firings are under way at Fort Churchill.
46 29 Apr. 57 NRL Panel changes its name to Rocket and Satellite Research Panel.
47 19 Sept. 57 AFCRC Committee on the Occupation of Outer Space formed.
48 13, 14 Nov. 57 UM Meeting devoted to report of COS, and to discussion of future of RSRP.
49 6 Dec. 57 NAS Meeting devoted to planning RSRP’s promotion of a National Space Establishment. Panel has been enlarged-about double.
50 19 Dec. 57 UCh Meeting devoted to planning RSRP’s activity in support of National Space Establishment.
51 8 Jan. 58 NAS Meeting devoted to the promotion of National Space Establishment.
52 14 Feb. 58 MN Meeting hears reports of progress on promoting National Space Establishment.
53 2 Apr. 58 NAS -
54 29 Jan. 59 (1959-1) NASA Panel discusses its future role; decides on series of colloquia.
55 10 Apr. 59 (1959-2) NASA Colloquium on Van Allen Radiation Belt.
56 15 June 59 (1959-3) NAS Symposium on IGY rocket and Satellite results.
57 6 Nov. 59 (1959-4) NAS Colloquiurn on ionosphere.
58 17 Feb. 60 (1960-1) UM Colloquium on magnetic storms and their relation to rocket and satellite research. Panel adopts formal constitution.
59 18,19 May 60 (1960-2) SH Review of panel firings and results.
60 2 Feb. 68 (1968-1) JPL Primarily to renew acquaintances. Secretary proposes to turn over panel files, when he finishes with them, to National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, for archiving.
Air Force Cambridge Research Center.
Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University, Silver Spring, Maryland.
Ballistic Research laboratories, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Aberdeen, Maryland.
California Institute of Technology.
Electronics Research Laboratories. Watertown, Massachusetts.
Evans Signal laboratory, New Jersey.
General Electric Company, Schenectady, New York.
Harvard College Observatory, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
International Civil Aviation Organization.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Pasadena. California.
Main Navy Building. Washington. D.C.
Naval Research Laboratory
Patrick Air Force Base, Florida
Patterson Field, Dayton, Ohio.
Princeton University.
Statler-Hilton Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts.
State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.
T-3 Navy Building, Washington, D.C.
University of Chicago.
University of Colorado.
University of Michigan.
University of Rhode Island.
Watson Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
White Sands Proving Ground. Las Cruces, New Mexico.