Original Membership of United States National Committee for the International Geophysical Year
Joseph Kaplan University of California, Chairman
A. H. Shapley National Bureau of Standards, Vice Chairman
N. C. Gerson Air Force Cambridge Research Center, Recording Secretary
L. H. Adams Carnegie Institution of Washington
H. G. Booker Cornell University
Lyman J. Briggs National Geographic Society
G. M. Clemence U.S. Naval Observatory
John A. Fleming American Geophysical Union
Lawrence M. Gould Carleton College
F. W. Reichelderfer U.S. Weather Bureau
E. B. Roberts U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey
Paul A. Siple Department of the Army
A. F. Spilhaus University of Minnesota
Merle A. Tuve Carnegie Institution of Washington
L. Washburn Dartmouth College
Ex Officio
Wallace W. Atwood, Jr. National Academy of Sciences
Lloyd V. Berkner Associated Universities, Inc.
William G. Rubey National Research Council
Walter Rudolph Science Adviser’s Office, Dept. of State
K. Stephenson National Science Foundation, liaison
Hugh Odishaw Administrative Secretary