Membership of the Space Science Board, 1958-1972

1950s 1960s 1970s
Members 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
Lloyd V. Berkner, Associated Universities C C C C M M M
Harrison S. Brown, Cal. Inst.Tech. M M M M M M M
Leo Goldberg, U. Michigan M M M M M M
H. Keffer Hartline, Rockefeller Inst. M M M
Donald F. Hornig, Princeton U. M M M
W. A. Noyes, Rochester M
Richard W. Porter, Gen. Electric M M M M M M M M M M M M
Bruno B. Rossi, Mass. Inst. Tech. M M M M M M
Alan H. Shapley, Nat. Bur. Standards M M M
John A. Simpson, Chicago M M M M M M M M
S. S. Stevens, Harvard U. M M
Harold C. Urey, Cal., La Jolla M M M
James A. Van Allen, State U. Iowa M M M M M M M M M M M M
O. G. Villard, Jr., Stanford U. M M M
Harry Wexler, U.S. Weather Bur. M M M
George P. Wollard*, U. Wisconsin M M M M M M M M M M M
Joshua Lederberg, Stanford U. M M M
William W. Kellogg, Cal., Los Angeles M M M M M
Christian J. Lambertson M M
Colin S. Pittendrigh, Princeton U. M M M M M
John Findlay, Nat. Radio Astronomy Observatory M M M M M M M M M M
Herbert Friedman, Nav. Res. Lab. M M M M M M M M M M M M
Gordon J. F. MacDonald, U. Cal., Los Angeles M M M M M M M M M
H. H. Hess, Princeton U. C C C C C C C
Allan H. Brown, U. Pennsylvania M M M M M M M M
Martin A. Pomerantz, Bartol Research Foundation, Franklin Inst. Me Me Me Me Me Me Me
Nicholas U. Mayall, Kitt Peak Nat. Observatory M M M M M M
Luis W. Alvarez, U. Cal., Berkeley M M M M M
Loren D. Carlson, U. Cal. M M M M M
Courtland D. Perkins, Princeton U. M M M M M
Leonard I. Schiff, Stanford U. M M M M M
John S. Hall, Lowell Observatory M M M M
Francis S. Johnson, U. Texas at Dallas M M M M M M
William M. Kaula, Cal., Los Angeles M M M M
Donald U. Wise, Franklin & Marshall Coll. M M
Donald B. Lindsley, U. Cal. M M
William W. Rubey, U. Cal., Berkeley M M M
Roman Smoluchowski, Princeton U. M M M M
Wolf Vishniac, U. Rochester M M M
Charles H.Townes, Mass. Inst. Tech., then U. Cal., Berkeley C C C
James R. Arnold, U. Cal. M M M
Harry Eagle, Albert Einstein College of Medicine M M M
William A. Fowler, Cal. Inst. Tech. M M M
Richard M. Goody, Harvard U. M M M
Brian O‘Brien M M M
Raymond L. Bisplinghoff, Mass. Inst. Tech. Me
E. Margaret Burbidge, U. Cal. M M
Norman H. Horowitz, Cal. Inst. Tech. M M
Edward H. Kass, Harvard U. M M
Philip Morrison, Mass. Inst. Tech. M M
Willis M. Hawkins, Lockheed Aircraft Me Me
Robert E. Danielson, Princeton U. M
Joshua Menkes, U. Colorado M
Robert A. Phinney, Princeton U. M

C = Chairman
M = Member
Me = Member. ex officio
* Added after first meeting of board.