
Technical Reports

Army Ballistic Missile Agency:

Dodd, R. P., and J. H. Deese. Juno V (Saturn) Heavy Missile Launch Facility, 1st Phase Request, 2nd Phase Estimate. Atlantic Missile Range, 14 Feb. 1959.

Hall, Charles J. A Committee Study of Blast Potentials at the Saturn Launch Site, Rep. No. DHM-TM-9-60. Redstone Arsenal, AL, Feb. 1960.

Hamilton, J. S., J. L. Fuller, and P. F. Keyes. Juno V Transportation Feasibility Study, Rep. No. DLMT-TM- 58-58. Redstone Arsenal, AL, 5 Jan. 1959.

Koelle, H. H., F. L. Williams, W. G. Huber, and R. C. Callaway, Jr. Juno V Space Vehicle Development Program (Phase I), Booster Feasibility Demonstration, Rep. DSP-TM-10-58. Redstone Arsenal, AL, 13 Oct. 1958.

--. Juno V Space Vehicle Development Program (Status Report), Rep. No. DSP-TM-11-58. Redstone Arsenal, AL, 15 Nov. 1958.

Organizational Manual, Army Ballistic Missile Agency, Redstone Arsenal, AL, 5 Mar. 1959.

Army Corps of Engineers:

Apollo Launch Complex 39 Facilities Handbook. South Atlantic Division, Canaveral District, undated.

Army Ordnance Missile Command:

Koelle, H. H., F. L. Williams, and W. G. Huber. Saturn Systems Study, Rep. No. DSP-TM-1-59. Redstone Arsenal, AL, 13 Mar. 1959.

Project Horizon: A. U.S. Army Study for the Establishment of a Lunar Military Outpost. Redstone Arsenal, AL, 8 June 1959.

Saturn Systems Study II, Rep. No. DSP-TM-13-59. Redstone Arsenal, AL, 13 Nov. 1959.

Air Force:

Air Force Eastern Test Range. Range Safety Manual. AFETR Manual 127-1. Patrick A.F.B., FL, 1 Sept. 1972.

Joint Air Force/NASA Hazards Analysis Board. Safety and Design Considerations for Static Test and Launch of Large Space Vehicles. Patrick Air Force Base, FL; Air Force Missile Test Center, 1 June 1961.

Headquarters, NASA:

Ad Hoc Task Group. A Feasible Approach for an Early Manned Lunar Landing (Fleming Committee Report). Washington, D.C., 16 June 1961.

Allen, William H., ed. Dictionary of Technical Terms for Aerospace Use. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1965.

America’s Next Decades in Space, A Report for the Space Task Group. Washington, D.C., Sept. 1969.

Apollo Inter-Center ICD Management Procedure, CM-001, 001-1B. Washington, D.C., Jan. 1969.

Logsdon, John M. NASA’s Implementation of the Lunar Landing Decision, HHN-81 (comment edition). Washington, D.C., Aug. 1969.

NASA-DOD. Joint Report on Facilities and Resources Required at Launch Site to Support NASA Manned Lunar Landing Program (Debus-Davis Report). Cape Canaveral, FL, 31 July 1961.

NASA Special Committee on Space Technology. Recommendations Regarding a National Civil Space Program (Stever Committee Report). 28 Oct. 1958.

Office of Manned Space Flight. Apollo Configuration Management Manual, NPC 500-1. Washington, D.C., 18 May 1964.

--. Apollo Program Flight Summary Report, Apollo Missions AS-201 through Apollo 8. Washington, D.C., Jan. 1969.

--. Apollo Program Development Plan, Rep. No. M-D MA500. Washington, D.C., 1 Jan. 1966.

PERT: Program Evaluation and Review Technique, Handbook, NPC-101. Washington, D.C., 1 Sept. 1961.

“A Plan for Manned Lunar Landing” (Low Committee Report). Washington, D.C., 7 Feb. 1961.

Report of Apollo 204 Review Board to the Administrator, NASA, 5 Apr. 1967, 1 vol. plus 14 vols. of appendixes and a set of looseleaf color photographs.

Report of the Apollo 13 Review Board. Washington, D.C., 15 June 1970.

Report to the Administrator, NASA, on Saturn Development Plan, by Saturn Vehicle Team (Silverstein Committee Report). Washington, D.C., 15 Dec. 1959.

Kennedy Space Center:

Apollo/Saturn V Launch Operations Test and Checkout Requirements, AS-504 and All Subsequent Missions, K-V-051-01. KSC, FL, 1968.

Apollo/Saturn V MILA Facilities Descriptions, K-V-011, Coordination Draft. KSC, FL, 30 June 1965.

Brewster, H. D., and W. G. Hughes. Lightning Protection for Saturn Launch Complex 39, KSC, FL, 18 Oct. 1963.

Catalog of Launch Vehicle Tests, Saturn V, Apollo/Saturn V, Revision 1, GP-244. KSC, FL, 15 June 1966.

Hanna, George V. Chronology of Work Stoppage and Related Events, KSC/AFETR through July 1965. KSC, FL, Oct. 1965.

Index of KSC Apollo Tree Documents and other KSC Generated Documents in the KSC Library, GP-856. KSC, FL, 1970.

Jarrett, Francis E., Jr., and Robert A. Lindemann. Historical Origins of NASA’s Launch Operations Center to July 1, 1962, KHM-1. Cocoa Beach, FL, Apr. 1964.

KSC Apollo/Saturn Program Development/Operations Plan, 100-39-0001, 2 vols. KSC, FL, 10 Oct. 1965.

Launch Support Equipment Engineering Division. Development of Design Criteria for Saturn V Flame Deflector, TR-174-D. KSC, FL, 1 June 1965.

--. Saturn V Launch Support Equipment General Criteria and Description, SP-4-37-D. KSC, FL, 1 5 Sept. 1964.

--. Saturn V Electrical Ground Support Equipment for Launch Complex 39, SP-96-D. KSC, FL, 21 Dec. 1964.

--. Saturn V Launch Support Equipment General Criteria and Description, SP-4-37-D, Revision. KSC, FL, 15 Sept. 1964.

Launch Vehicle Checkout Automation and Programming Office. Apollo (Saturn) Automated Checkout. KSC, FL, 23 Aug. 1974.

McMurran, W. R., ed. “The Evolution of Electronic Tracking, Optical, Telemetry and Command Systems at the Kennedy Space Center.” KSC, FL, 17 Apr. 1973.

Public Affairs Office. Kennedy Space Center Story. KSC, FL, Dec. 1971.

Saturn Launch Vehicle Checkout Automation Development Plan, KSC-100-39-0007. Cocoa Beach, FL, 8 Aug. 1966.

Scheller, Donald R. “Management by Exception, Activation of Apollo/Saturn V Launch Complex 39.” KSC, FL, 15 May 1967.

A Selective List of Acronyms and Abbreviations, GP-589 Revised. KSC, FL, July 1972.

Waiter, George W. Modifications to Bearing for Traction Support Rollers on Crawler-Transporters. KSC, FL, 15 Dec. 1965.

“Weather Effects on Apollo/Saturn V Operations, Apollo 4 through Apollo 13,” 630-44-0001. KSC, FL, 27 July 1970.

Manned Spacecraft Center:

Analysis of Apollo 12 Lightning Incident, MSC-01540. Houston, TX, Feb. 1970.

Atlantic Missile Range Operations: Facilities, 1959-1964. Houston, TX, 15 Apr. 1963.

John F. Kennedy Space Center, NASA Fiscal Year 1963 Estimates, Apollo Mission Support Facilities. Cape Canaveral, FL; Florida Operations, 1963.

Launch Operations Center:

Concepts for Support Service at the Merritt Island Launch Area. Cape Canaveral, FL, 6 May 1963.

Criteria for Design Pad “A” Launch Complex 39. Cape Canaveral, FL, 19 Dec. 1962.

Criteria for Launch Complex 39, Crawler Transfer System and Utilities. Cape Canaveral, FL, 5 Sept. 1962.

Deese, James. “Concept Development of Saturn Service Structure No. II.” Cape Canaveral, FL, Apr. 1963.

Saturn C-5 Facilities Evaluation for Complex 39, LTR-1-2. Cape Canaveral, FL, 10 Sept. 1962.

Raffaelli, A. R. Introduction to Lightning, LT1R-2-DE-62-6. Cape Canaveral, FL, 14 Dec. 1962.

Marshall Space Flight Center:

Buchanan, Donald D., and George W. Waiter. Appraisal of Transfer Modes for Saturn C-5 Mobile Systems, Rep. No. MIN-LOD-DH-9-62. Huntsville, AL, 1 1 June 1962.

Catalog of Systems Tests for Saturn S-1 Stage. Huntsville, AL, 1 Sept. 1961.

Chrysler Corporation Space Division. Saturn IB Vehicle Handbook. Huntsville, AL, 25 July 1966.

Duren, O. K. Interim Report on Future Saturn Launch Site, Rep. No. MIN-LOD-DL-1-61. Huntsville, AL, 10 May 1961.

Gwinn, Ralph T., and Kenneth J. Dean. “Consolidated Instrumentation Plan for Saturn Vehicle SA-1,” Rep. No. MTP-LOD-61-36.2a. Huntsville, AL, 25 Oct. 1961.

Launch Countdown, Saturn Vehicle SA-1, Rep. No. MTP-LOD-61-35.2. Redstone Arsenal, AL, 30 Oct. 1961.

Launch Facilities and Support Equipment Office, Launch Operations Directorate. A Preliminary Study of Launch Facility Requirements for the C-4 Space Vehicle. Huntsville, AL, Oct. 1961.

--. Project Saturn, C-1, C-2 Comparison. Rep. No. M-MS-G-113-60. Huntsville, AL, 21 Jan. 1961.

MSFC Automation Plan. Huntsville, AL, 8 May 1962 (revised, 1 June 1964).

Results of the Saturn I Launch Vehicle Test Flights, Rep. No. MPR-SAT-FE-66-9. Huntsville, AL, 1 Aug. 1961.

Richard, Ludie G., and Charles O. Brooks. The Saturn Systems Automation Plan. Huntsville, AL, 15 Sept. 1961.

SA-1 Vehicle Data Book, Rep. No. MTP-MS and M-E-61-3. Huntsville, AL, 26 June 1961.

Software for IU 201 at MSFC, SA-201 at KSC, SA-501 at KSC, Rep. No. R-DIR-64-l. Huntsville, AL, 1 Dec. 1964.

Sparks, Owen L., comp. Preliminary Concepts of Launch Facilities for Manned Lunar Landing Program, Rep. No. MIN-LOD-DL-3-61. Huntsville, AL, 1 Aug. 1961.

--. Preliminary Feasibility Study on Offshore Launch Facilities for Space Vehicles, Rep. No. IN-LOD-DL-1- 60 Interim. Huntsville, AL, 29 July 1960.

Technical Information Summary, AS-501, Apollo Saturn V Flight Vehicle, R-ASTR-S-67-65. Huntsville, AL, 15 Sept. 1967.

Waiter, George W. Saturn Mobile (Canal) Concept Flame Deflector and Launcher/Transporter Emplacement Evaluation, Rep. No. MIN-LOD-2-62. Huntsville, AL, Feb. 1962.

--. Saturn Mobile (Rail) Concept: An Examination of Rail Transfer Systems for a Launcher/Transporter, Rep. No. MIN-LOD-DH-3-62. Huntsville, AL, 3 Apr. 1962.


Beech Aircraft Corporation. Saturn C-5 Propellant Transportation Optimization Study, ER-13539. Boulder, CO, 25 June 1962.

Boeing Atlantic Test Center. Launch Complex 39 GSE Systems Descriptions. KSC, FL, 3 Aug. 1965.

Brown Engineering Co. An Evaluation of an Enclosed Concept for a C-5 Vertical Assembly Building. Huntsville, AL, 2 Apr. 1962.

--. An Evaluation of an Open Concept for a C-5 Vertical Assembly Building. Huntsville, AL, 2 Apr. 1962.

--. Fixed Pad Concept of Launch Complex 39 for the Saturn C-5 Vehicle. Huntsville, AL, 28 Sept. 1962.

Chrysler Corp. Space Division. Saturn I/IB Automation Orientation, HSE-R 115. Huntsville, AL, undated.

Culver, A. J., and K. G. Baird. “ERS Recovery Plan.” KSC, FL: Boeing Atlantic Test Center Management Systems Staff, Apr. 1966.

General Electric Co. Apollo Support Department. Systems Description of Saturn V Launch Vehicle Ground Electrical Support Equipment at Vehicle Launch Facility 39-1. Daytona Beach, FL, 27 Sept. 1965.

Green, Arthur W., Lewis E. Williamson, Robert P. Dell, and Reed B. Jenkins. Reliability Study of Saturn SA- 3 Pre-Launch Operations. Washington, D.C.: ARINC Research Corporation, 3 Jan. 1963.

Hartsfield, Annie May, Mary Alice Griffin, and Charles M. Grigg, eds. Summary Report NASA Impact on Brevard County. Tallahassee, FL: Institute of Social Research, Florida State University, 1966.

The Martin Co. Rescue and Escape Systems from Tall Structures (RESTS). Denver, CO, Oct. 1963.

--. Saturn C-2 Operational Modes Study, Summary Report. Baltimore, MD, June 1961.

--. Saturn C-3 Launch Facilities Study, Rep. No. ER 12125, 3 vols. Baltimore, MD, Dec. 1961.

Maurice H. Connell and Associates. Alternate “I” Heavy Missile Service Structure. Miami, FL, 24 Apr. 1959.

--. Heavy Missile Launch Facility Criteria. Miami, FL, 1 5 Mar. 1959.

--. Heavy Missile Service Structure Criteria. Miami, FL, undated.

--. Siting Study and Recommendation, Saturn Staging Building and Service Structure, Complex 34 AFMTC. Miami, FL, Jan. 1960.

--. Saturn C-5 Launch Facilities, Study of Rail Systems for Vertical Transporter/Launcher Concept. Huntsville, AL, May 1962.

Sutherland, L. C. Sonic and Vibration Environments for Ground Facilities - A Design Manual, report WR 68-2. Wyle Laboratories, 1968.

TRW Space Technology Laboratories. A Study of the KSC Safety Program. Cape Canaveral, FL, May 1965.